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Image Comments posted by tf_murry

    Deb A


    This is one of the few, if not among the last, photos I shot in L.A.

    for over 14 years. It was with a borrowed Olympus OM-1n. (All of my

    equipment had been stolen prior to this.) It is the photo of a very

    special young woman, of a friend lost. This is more of a personal

    statement of survival, saying "I'm still here", more than anything


  1. This is one of my favorites, in so much that it has personal meaning

    as well as is a social commentary about the city I live in, Detroit.

    Most of the things in the photo no longer exist, like the Renaissance

    sign and the train tracks, nor is this location accessable.

    Renee M


    This is one of my first portraits. It is scanned from an older 35 mm

    negative. Ilford HP-%, developed in D7-6 1:1. The camera was an

    Olympus OM-1 with a 50 1.4.


    The scan has been cropped, retuched for dust, but no other


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