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Posts posted by michael_kucinich

  1. I like the lighter exposure (the second image) but it needs to have the contrast increased and I would darken down the reflection in the window in the upper right corner, as it draws my I away from the subject.

  2. I like the strong diagonal lines created by the wooden table and your angle of view. I'm not sure about the number of shells on the table. Perhaps a different arrangement or less, perhaps just one would simplify the image and make it stronger.

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  3. Some interesting textures and shapes on the tree. I'm somewhat distracted by the areas of sky coming through the leaves.  I don't see a strong subject to give the image a visual anchor.

  4. I like the contrast between the wooden structures imparting a sense of chaos, confusion, maybe danger against the serenity of the ocean scene through the frame. I like the strong texture in the wooden structures as well. I think the steps go a very long way in giving order to the image by drawing us to the ocean scene through the frame. Serenity lies just beyond the chaos! Very good.

  5. To me, it elicits a kind of unresolved feel. The lights are just being turned on in the studio and I want to see more. What is not being revealed? What is being hidden? For these reasons, I think this is a successful image.

  6. Hello Mark, 

    Thanks for your comments. To my eye, the dead flower to the right is not that significant as it is small and does not stand out like the other flowers against the green of the grasses and tree foliage. I'm okay with, and frequently do some "selective gardening", but to a point.

    Thanks again for your comments.


  7. Very strong vertical and diagonal lines, which draw my eye down through the center of the image following the vanishing perspective. The flag flying in the upper left provides a nice counterpoint to the rest of the scene. Nice image. I wonder if it may have been stronger if, at the end of the vanishing perspective point, there would have been some element that stood out from the rest of the repeating patterns of lines.

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  8. Definitely an improvement by making the piece of equipment larger, with better separation from the trees in the background. That being said, if there was some relationship between the subject and other elements in the scene, it would be stronger. Lacking that relationship, the image just doesn't go anywhere for me.

  9. I wish that I could see a relationship between the equipment and the rest of the composition that might tell me of its utility. The top of the object merges with the trees in the background, as they are similar in tone. This troubles me. If there is a way to separate the equipment from the trees, thereby better revealing the form of the equipment, perhaps it would improve the image.

    • Like 1
  10. Nice image. To my eye, I think it might be stronger if you cropped just a little from the top and crop the bottom at the base of the breaking wave, leaving out the bright secondary reflection at the bottom which seems distracting to me. I think simplifying it in this way would make it stronger.

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  11. The straight-on composition of this truck detail seems too static to my eye. I would encourage you to explore shooting the scene at different angles or even tilting the camera to put those lines at an angle to create perhaps a more interesting and dynamic image.

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  12. On 7/19/2023 at 12:06 AM, Leslie Reid said:


    You are invited to upload one or more of your landscape photos and, if you’d like, to accompany your image with some commentary: challenges you faced in making the image? your intent for the image? settings? post-processing decisions? why you did what you did? the place and time? or an aspect you’d like feedback on? And please feel free to ask questions of others who have posted images or to join the discussion. If you don’t feel like using words, that’s OK too—unaccompanied images (or unaccompanied words, for that matter) are also very much welcomed. As for the technicalities, the usual forum guidelines apply: files < 1 MB; image size <1000 px maximum dimension.

    I've been agonizing over the crop on this one. There was a lot of interesting detail to the left of the rock, so I'd originally placed the rock toward the right of the frame. That version almost got posted, but at the last minute I decided the right side was too heavy, so I recropped to move the rock toward the left. And now I'm not so sure. What the heck, I'll post them both. Here's the second crop:


    and here's the first:


    To my eye, the composition with The Rock on the left side is much stronger. This sets up a nice diagonal from The Rock to the gold reflection and the opposing angles of the wave by The Rock versus the wave at the top of the screen also makes the image stronger.

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  13. I think this image is a good attempt at trying to do something unique and different. Unfortunately, I don't quite get the correlation of the image with the title. I like that the top of the back of the chair mirrors the top of the building in the distance. But, I'm bothered by the out of focus portions of the chair.

  14. The vanishing, single point perspective is interesting. To my eye, that vanishing point should take me to something that stands out from the rest of the mountain range. Also, the sky almost seems too blue.

  15. My eye goes to the signage above the street. I assume  that was probably not the main subject. It seems to me that the composition is not balanced; too bright on the left and a lot of area on the right that is dark. Perhaps it would have been a stronger image if the couple walking down the street had been illuminated well. A nice attempt at night time photography, though.

  16. Has an eerie feel to it. Here we are in a large park near a city, and the only evidence of human activity is this singular scooter. I think it's nicely exposed, and the use of black and white instead of color gives it that more stark feeling.  Very good!

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