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Image Comments posted by klem


    nice touch not falling for the temptation of playing on the vibrant yellow of the sunflower, and the probably (?) vibrant blue sky - makes you enjoy a rather common photo in a quite uncommon way.
  1. fantastiske greier Eskil! dette er min personlige favoritt blant nordlysbildene dine, blaafargen gjenskaper paa en maate den kalde foelelsen du faar av aa staa ute i evigheter aa se paa nordlyset...! tror ikke jeg har sett bedre nordlysbilder, de er i hvertfall helt der oppe i toppen. kan det forresten vaere mulig at jeg har sett et av dine nordlys bilder i en reklame? det med teltet...!


    mvh kristoffer klem

  2. the best shots are usually the most underestimated ones.. :)


    this is just such a great shot, I'm not even going to start handing out the superlatives, I won't be able to stop! Sure maybe it's not technically perfect and sure maybe for more than one reasones... But I just can't get image, the whole idea and consept out of my head! a little girl/boy? trying the shadows... pretty, prettier, prettiest! the fact that it isn't perfect just makes it so much more real, nothing is ever perfect is it? Maybe you can depict an idea perfect in a studio, but this Keith, this is the real ting.




    kristoffer klem


    pretty, just all about what I can muster at this hour. Looks like the flowers or whatever was making a sort of semi circle around her, is that something you could have used? theres like this spot with just.. sand to the right... get some flower action going! but really pretty :)


    I always did wonder why these kind of pictures have to be so.. alike, all with the wings strecthed out and stuff. You've just proved it doesn't have to be like that to be an excellent image! truly brilliant pose by the bird, and almost.. unusual bird picture from you :) give us more we haven't seen tens of thousands of times before!


    one of the more tasteful nudes I've seen, just have to agree with the rest of the choir singing hallellujah! Just asking, you haven't got the same picture, only with her hand covering the bulb completely making some more nice dancing light effects? just asking, the picture is.. well.. almost perfect! just miss her elbow on the left.. the composition is perfect, but if you want the really, really unnecessary details so.. :) but that's just me saying, having almost never taken a portrait at all :)

    How Cute is She?

    excellent pose bye the cat, just to bad you can se your hand and some other distracting elements and stuff :) try removing all that stuff and the date and everything, and get her hed/eyes in foucs, or maybe just her paws - something at least, and it could be quite the nice picture :)

    Mt. Baldy

    mhmhm, this is the way it ought to be :) if you want some technical, then you've got the burnt out bit under the biker, but hey, I imagine lighting this pipe/tunnel or something was technically challenging enough, and you did a just brilliant job! mhm, mhm :)
  3. I wouldn't either, not after seeing this picture of it.. Classical ghost house. Probably real pretty in the summer when the trees are green.. Try to go back if you get the opportunity, and take the exactly same shot... oh, and do something about those houses and stuff in the background.. kind of snap you out of the illusion :) like it like like I like it!
  4. Nice.. I like the way subtle statement you make with the fancy pants in the background, almost out of the picture.. Only would'nt it have been 10x as powerful if you had included more of the person whos shoes the boy is polishing, and maybe given the kids eyes/face a bigger part of the picture? At least made them lighter.. They're a bit underexposed? Or maybe that's on purpose?
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