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Posts posted by paul_baker1

  1. I've taken rolls in and had them developed and gotten a CD of the images scanned at 72dpi. These come from running the film through the Fuji Frontier, I believe, and when they are printing they copy the scans onto a disk. At home, I don't think you can do this without a very sophisticated med. format film scanner.
  2. Sorry to hear about the bad experience from Adorama. I would have recommended KEH instead but they are out of the F2AS right now. I think they had one listed before for less than $500.
  3. I have looked through the archives but can't seem to find this

    problem. I just got a 105mm f2.5 and have noticed that my D1 seems to

    have a focus problem. The image is recorded in focus behind where I

    have focussed in the viewfinder. Can something be adjusted to fix

    this? I also noticed the same problem with my 200mm f4 attached, so

    it's not the lens. I'd rather not have to send it in to Nikon either.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi Mark. I just got the 105mm f2.5 ais and so far it is great. KEH, bargain condition for $109. Also just picked up the 200mm f4 for $56. I have the 20mm f3.5 ais as well. So far all I need is the 50mm F1.8 and I'll pretty much be done. Except for when I get some real cash and get the 105/1.8, 20/2.8, and 35/1.4. Oh, and an 85/1.4. And then...
  5. Can you describe the problem a little more in detail? What do you mean by "won't advance"? Does the crank not turn, or will it turn with no effect on the frame number? Maybe the film is not loaded correctly. Also, is the back fairly new or at least in good shape?
  6. I think it is fantastic. I don't have very many lenses yet but the AF is fast and good in low light (slightly better than my F5?, maybe) The only thing that really burns me up is that sometimes it will not fire. To me, I don't care if I have some setting wrong or if it's out of focus or what, when I press the shutter button it had better go off! I never had this problem with the F5, when I push it goes, good or bad picture not withstanding. Maybe its a glitch but I can't figure it out. I think it might be related to the battery charge, but I haven't been able to replicate it accurately.



  7. A battery charger with a car adapter should do it. The Maha charger I just bought comes with a car adapter and it will charge anything from 1 to 14.4V. I would suggest that you have your solar panels charging some large sealed-lead acid batteries and then connect the car charger to this.


    Paul B

  8. Okay, I found another shot with the sun in the photo. This time it was handheld, maybe 1/160 at f11. No comments please about incorrect exposure. Still wondering if the key isn't just to put it at f22, something about the way the aperture blades prevent flare.


    Paul B.

  9. I have been having a wonderful time with this lens and have shot many rolls with great, sharp success. I am a little disappointed with its flare resistance capability. I have attached a picture taken toward the sun: Kodak Royal Gold 100, f11, 2 seconds, timer delay. Someone mentioned using it at f22, is this the only flare resistant aperture? No filter, no hood by the way, and notice that the sun isn't really in the picture.


    Paul B.

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