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the lost wanderer

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Image Comments posted by the lost wanderer


    It was done on color slide film, but printed on normal color paper. This makes it a negative. However, I tweaked the color until it looked similar to human flesh tones; particularly of the model.



    Sad that people think that all such shots must be photoshop. We've gotten the idea that certain shots can only be done with photoshop, instead of old tricks, or optical illusion, or, hark, real athletes and dancers, not to mention photographic technique.

    This is not a comnentary on the previous person who mentioned photoshop, but the problem that people have become too codepent on technology to creat.

    "5:30 AM"

    I so love it when a woman has an expression like that. I also love the effect of having a breast almost, but not totally exposed. It captures that moment of anticipation.
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