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Image Comments posted by eknos1

  1. Spokane people have to take in a certain quantity Starbucks each day or

    the quality of life begins to disintegrate. I hope you will understand this even if you aren't an ice cream eater. Give it a try, I know you will like it!





    When I got up this morning the sun was streaming into the kitchen.

    The flower hanging on the porch cried out to be noticed. Thanks for

    looking, Sandy.

  2. No, Africa is not in Mexico! However, my interest in the poor developed while hitchiking for 3 months in East Africa. We learned to sleep in grass huts and eat very odd food and drink contaminated water. After that, traveling in Mexico was easy.
  3. Of all the destruction when the Arno overflowed in 1967 the Ponte

    Vecchio suffered the most. It brought tears to the eyes of all of us

    who were there the day after. I was working in a home for children

    at the time. Please look at the other fotos in this series. Thanks,


  4. Hitch hiking in Africa in 1963 wasn't very popular. We saw only one

    other person hitching in three months. We traveled over most of

    Arica in three months and we spent only $200 each. I had stomach

    problems for a long time from eating local food. We couldn't even

    afford a coke. It was the best trip I have ever taken!

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