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Posts posted by maianh

  1. Thanks, Matt, Rodeo,


    Actually I have been used large lighting diffusers many time for motorbike shooting, but mine is seamed one. I could not

    buy anything bigger than 1.6 meter in Vietnam.

    Now I moved to Canada so I think I should buy one for better results.


    Thanks ans regards,


  2. <p>Hello everyone,<br>

    Long time ago I came across a site of a company which sells very big fabric that use for diffuser. If I am not wrong then the size is 6m (20') wide. This type of fabric is use to create light bank for shooting big things like motorbikes or cars. The company also sells chimera or some things like that. <br>

    If anyone knows the site then please give me the info.<br>

    Thanks a lot,<br>


  3. <p>Hi Paul Au,<br>

    If you just start out then a simple camera with good lens is all what you need. You can rent equipment for big project without any problem. You just need to invest into expensive equipment once you shoot a lot otherwise you will find yourself that you just use your equipment few times per year :)<br>

    Client always want to see you use best equipment for their projects even for a very small print on a catalog, or leaflet, or small print ads. The clients paying a lot and portion of those payment are for peace of mind. They feel good and save once they know you use the best equipment with latest tech even it is useless. For example when you shoot a motorbike for a A4 (letter) size then the photos of bike features usually very small in the print which you can use a good point and shoot camera to shoot. But if you do so the clients might think you are amateur and careless. Instead you use a view camera and spend a lot of time to setup and shoot then most of the time the clients are very happy.<br>

    As a teacher I always tell my students that most of the 12Mp with good lens, fast and accurate focus will do most of the job nicely. You just need big toys for billboard or extreme large prints. The P3 is a different story and if you have a chance to own one then I encourage you to invest in that system. Prepare to spend time to learn how to use the camera.<br>

    Just some of my thought and I hope it help.<br>



  4. <p>Thank you very much for your time and respond.<br>

    Peter, I used to work in the US in two years as a designer/web designer so I know what you meant. I do have permanent residence card/green card alike so working permit would not be a problem.<br>

    Jerry, I do not have to pay any tax when migrate to Canada. The reason is, I have to bring with me all what I and my family already bought.<br>

    Mark, all of my equipment are digital.<br>

    Richard, the competition is very very hard so I need to prepare that's the reason I post here in order to seek for advice.<br>

    Sorry for late respond due to different time zones.<br>

    I still seek direct answer of my questions like Mark and Richard did.<br>

    Again, thanks a lot of your time.<br>


  5. <p>Hello everyone,<br>

    What should you do if you were me as below?<br>

    I and my family will move to Canada this April. I am a commercial/advertising photographer and a photography teacher as well. You can see my works here:<br>

    www.proonestudio.com or www.maianhphoto.com</p>


    <li>I have three camera systems:</li>

    <li>Contax 645 AF outfit with Phase One back</li>

    <li>Mamiya 645 AF outfit with Phase One back</li>

    <li>Sinar P3 outfit with Sinarback</li>

    <li>Various types of lighting (flash strobes, tungsten lights, LED lights) and lighting/photography accessories</li>


    <p>I have good experience from pre-production, production, and post production (actually I am very good at Photoshop and did much of the retouch and DI for all of my works) of big job.<br>

    Now the questions are:</p>


    <li>Q. No.1: Do you think my level (photos) are good enough to joint the Canadian/US photography market? If not why and how to improve?</li>

    <li>Q. No.2: If you say yes with my No.1 question then what should I do to start? I have read a lot of threats here about using representatives or agents but quite sure that's not the case because I am no one know in those markets.</li>

    <li>Q. No.3: Starting as a photography assistant to some well known photographers is a good start to build network and know the in and out of the market or not? Any suggestion recommendation if yes?</li>

    <li>Q. No.4: What will you do if you were in me in order to find job or what is your suggestions/direction?</li>

    <li>Q. No.5: English is not my mother language so is there any difficulties about that limit? </li>


    <p>Thank you very much for your valuable time spending on my mater.<br>

    With warm regards,<br>


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