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Image Comments posted by chris_schultz2


    You're right, it actually is closer to an Irish flag. The colors and textures of stacks of soap are interesting. There was an earlier one here on PN, but the wrappers were covering most of the soap, and this is better.

    Baker House

    I measured the vertical lines carefully, and I don't think they diverge. It may be that the mind expects them to converge because of the perspective, and they don't very much, so they seem to diverge. The post between the 2 windows actually tilts slightly to the right, I think, not the photographer's fault. Nice photo.


    I had a little chuckle. Wearing a mask for a portrait posing is like wearing a raincoat to take a shower. Unfortunately, the face is dimly lit, and the bright yellow scaffolding draws the eye away, yet cropping the scaffolding out is unthinkable because of his arm. Another problem is having the cap slightly chopped. Just things to think about next time.


    You have nicely captured this crustacean in a relaxed moment. The lighting from one side brings out its contemplative mood. The poor ratings are perhaps a condemnation of the model's harsh working conditions, as it appears to be rather dried out. If it needs to be out of the tank for long periods during a shoot, at least throw an occasional bucket of seawater on it. I find it refreshing to see a model with enough self-confidence that it does not need piercings and tattoos. 5/6.
  1. What a wacky abstract this would make if you cropped from the top of the hat to the bottom of the photo, just leaving the heaps. I'm having trouble getting much feeling our of this, not knowing what's going on. Harvesting gravel, planting rock salt? Don't tell me that's rice, sitting around wet like that can't be good, can it?


    Very good shot. It actually looks like he is trying to turn the cap in the direction of the arrows! Is that a wine bottle?

    Emily's Tail

    The price of chameleons will go up now, everybody wanting to get one and take this kind of photo. Now that this end is done to perfection, you can concentrate on the other end.
  2. Louise, the two guys on the crane are sandblasting the hull to remove rust and loose paint. The guy in motion is filling one of the three hoppers with abrasive material. If you ever get close to a sandblasting operation, you REALLY want to have a UV filter on your lens for protection. Let's hope nobody takes that "TUG" sign as a suggestion and yanks on the hose.


    Nice car. I think this is focused just slightly short of the emblem. It could be better if the focus were exactly on the emblem or if the DOF were expanded by closing down about 1/2 stop.
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