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Image Comments posted by jlcphoto

  1. This is a great shot, composition is good too. I like the rocks with the rugged jeeps. I would love to see you experiment with Depth of Field and focus points as I think sharp focus on the first jeep would be a nice touch as well. Great shot!

    First upload

    This is a great shot, the lighting is perfect and the depth of field is perfect. In an ideal situation, I think it would look best if it were at a lower angle so the bird looks above you...but overall very good.



    I took this at my friend's house down in Savannah. These were all

    props for a shoot that he did for his senior film project. I liked

    the way they were set up and how the sun was shining through the

    window and on to the floor. I didn't have my best camera but I

    thought these turned out well.


    The car is perfect. Lighting is great, well composed. However, the background is in focus and is too distracting. Try shooting with a narrower depth of field.
  2. I always love a great one of this car. I think it's my favorite because of it's uniqueness. This is the most creative that I have seen and very very well done with the contrast. Picking the tail light as your area of emphasis really works well here. Great Job



    I thought Venice would be an easy subject, but it turned out quite

    difficult with all the construction and people. I like this one

    though, let me know your thoughts



    This was a hot car, but there were so many people, this is the only

    clean shot I could get. I like the angles though, and I think the

    colors turned out well.

  3. VIEW IN LARGE PLEASE!! I was very excited when I saw this puddle

    right next to the car. It had just rained and the owner had

    finished polishing, I thought this was the best of the day. Let me

    know your thoughts! Thanks.

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