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Posts posted by robert_krasznai6

  1. I've sent the camera (Bronica SQ-Ai to KEH (still under warranty)) and here is the huge suprise response that I've received :-))))


    Mr. Krasznai,


    We received your camera and will be sending it to Tamron for service.


    Thank you for providing the copy of the posting from the photo.net board. Ironically, the camera that you received is the exact camera Mr. Pendleton wrote about in his response. Mr. Pendleton sold us the camera in early August. It is amazing how out of so many people on the internet, you and Mr. Pendleton managed to find each other on the same bulletin board, discussing the same camera.


    The repair turnaround for Tamron is typically 2 weeks, but given that they have worked on this camera for this problem before, it is likely they will expedite it.


    Joe Lombardo


    KEH.COM, Inc.

  2. Thank you all. Tom, I also bought my camera from KEH and it is still under warranty, so I will return it tomorrow for repairs. Rolland, the cable socket is clean. I've read your post previously regarding the mud and checked for it. Thank you all, once again.
  3. This question has been asked about 5 or 6 times without an answer

    that would help me.

    SQ-Ai will not fire, intermittently in mid roll even after

    installation of new batteries. My camera has just the basics: 120

    back (3ea), 80mm, 40mm and 180mm lenses and a waist level finder.

    Out of the blue in mid roll (after sitting) it just will not fire. At

    this point I install new batteries, (no help) change back, (no help)

    change lenses, (no help) and make sure that the dark slide is NOT

    installed and that the sutter button is NOT locked. Also, I will try

    a double exposure, at which point the film winding crank will turn,

    but the shutter will still remain inoperative, then all of a sudden

    it will start working again the next two hours or the next day. The

    camera is in mint- condition. I've tried all the suggestions that

    have been posted in the past without success. The local shop just

    wants to go through the whole camera. I don't know what to do next?


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