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Image Comments posted by helenalass

    Just a usual day


    ...looks everything but usual to me. She seems more like a ghost or phantom - her senses and mind being very clear and knowing what she is after for, when on the other hand, her physical body slightly fading away... Very good portrait, sharp and good colors.


    She has very clear eyes, deep inside (regardless of what she has had time to learn in this world) being a wise person and having a good intuition. She can easily detect a wavelength of the feeling love in the room.


    A nice hair-do and very pretty dress.


    One of my favorites. Thank you.


    ...is what this picture looks to me. Almost like a peacock`s tail... The photo is crowded with flowers and yet the overall impression is light. I think it is very beautiful and you`ve done good work.


    A really nice picture. I like the colors a lot. The title is good too. People can learn many things when observing the nature and to share should be one of them. It`s good to see that you notice things like this.


    ..is this little koala. A very nice composition and colors. Is he smiling? At least you seem to have got his attention :)


    A stunning photo. They seem to understand each other witohut any words needed - as if "I know, been there too". This photo shows how simple everything in life can be, if you love and let yourself to be loved. Many thanks.

    Kiil rannas


    taken on a beautiful sunny day at the seaside. I did not aim to

    capture a perfect close-up, instead I wanted a nice snapshot - sharp

    and clorful.

  1. I like the blocks of ice floating and that there is real wildlife on this picture - in whole of it`s complexity and beauty. I also like your description of the picture - they really are, each one, set out to mind it`s own business. I appreciate the precision you have accomplished here. All in all - lovely.

    Native Dancer


    There seems to be a child on the picture. More of a SHE. What a tricky smile on her face and clarity in her eyes. She is appy and joyful and you seem to have managed to capture thise emotions.

    Like also the headband and earrings. Good composition in my opinion.

    Only good words from me...

  2. Very refreshing to see sb. portraying the world and life as it is. Ignorance is the worst disease of our time..

    Lovely expression on the girl`s face - children are able to forget quickly and know how to enjoy simple things.


  3. "Lazy afternoon" are the words popping into my head. Very nice, has a feeling of peace and quietness to it - no rush to go anywhere or do anything. Just to enjoy every moment of our lives as they are...
  4. very accurate timing with this one. I like it a lot - it reveales how diverse everything in nature can be. One moment there is clear blue sky and the other something like this. Makes us humans see, that we are quite naive, if we think we can beat someting like the forces of nature. And thank you for reminding me of this. All is ONE under this big sky...
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