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arctic monkey

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Image Comments posted by arctic monkey

  1. I enjoy the conflicting angles of movement. The leaves of the tree make the mind want to go right but the hang-glider forces you to stop and re-think your direction. That creates a very interesting dynamic sense. Great shot!


    Thanks for dropping by my portfolio last month, I appreciate all of your comments!

    Purple Rain

    Interesting technique you used to get the fireworks shots. Out of all these shots you have posted I like this one the most. I'm quite fond of blue. I'll have to try this the next time I'm around a fireworks show.


    It's a daisy. Even though it was a bright day I managed to get a long enough shutter speed to zoom the lens while it was open. Then some crazy stuff with Photoshop happened! A conglomeration of effects is all I can say because I don't remember what exactly I did to it.

    One Fateful Day


    Hello sir. Why have you not uploaded the other cd cover pics? And here I've been waiting all this time.


    I haven't been on this site for quite a while and I sort of miss it but my vagabond lifestyle has been keeping me occupied. Oddly enough I'm in a position to print and send Flow, if your wife is still interested. I'm in the process of printing a bunch of my photos for exhibit in Montana and just happened to remember that there's someone in Georgia that liked one of them.


    There was talk of trade...your music for my photo however, I'm assuming the cost of printing and sending will add up to more than a CD price. What do you think? Hope all is well down there.


    Thank you all for the wonderful feedback!! It truly does help no matter who you are, your background in photography or whatever. It's all about how you see and what appeals to you. That's what I'm interested in. I will take your suggestions and use them in the future. Thanks again.


    I know what you mean about flower pics, most of them aren't very exciting. I've tried to do something unique with this folder by examining different parts and pieces. Abstracting some of them you could say. I haven't had very good feedback so far but that's ok, I'll keep on it. It'll make me try different things. Thanks.



    I'm beginning to think that the monochrome effect just isn't very

    appealing to the masses. I think it's actually quite beautiful, the

    range of tone from near white to pitch black really help identify

    the different parts of the flowers in an abstract way that is hard

    to place when looking at the color originals. This angle is what

    I'm trying to accomplish with the Maxine's Mono series. With this

    understanding I'm hoping that some of you will go back and take a

    closer look at what I've posted so far and be kind of enough to

    leave your thoughts behind. Thank you.



    Thank you both so much for the comments, this is exactly what I need.


    Turgut - I agree that the cropping is a bit strange and could probably use some work. If you have the time I'd certainly appreciate an example of your suggestions. However, when you take into consideration the next thing I'm going to say to Fay, the composition might make a bit more sense....


    Fay - The colors were added as an experiment. By positioning the colored spots as they are now, a triangle of focus points is created. I was hoping these focus points would contribute to the photo's appeal in a sort of subconscious way, by keeping the eye entertained while jumping back and forth within the frame. What do you think?


    Once again, thank you both. Have a nice day.




    I don't like to see empty critique request areas, but that's not why I'm commenting on this one. I think it's a great photo, could even be considered a great travel photo. It's really hard to determine what a good travel photo is, it all depends on who's looking at it. I like this one for many reasons.


    1. The composition is attractive. The man is nicely framed by the dynamic lines created by his work area. I say dynamic because they're not ALL going in the same direction, they intersect in a way that creates action and a sense of movement. They are restless, making the eye jump around the whole frame but still managing to keep focus on the man.


    2.The man. He's incredibly interesting looking. The mustache, the hair, how is dark skin contrasts with his bleach white clothing and just his look. He looks peaceful, like he could sit there all day with that same look on his face, same pose, and be happy.


    3.I'll mention the great travel photo thing again. It's good because it tells a story about a day in this guy's life. It's a photo that you could start writing a book from, thoughts are easily taken away from this one scene and expanded upon to create a whole life. THAT'S a good travel photo.


    I could go on about colors and flash and probably a lot more if I just sat here staring for a little longer but someone else would like to have a comment in an empty critique space, so I must move on. Hope you don't mind me taking up so much space. Cheers.



    I certainly do appreciate your time Jana and am always interested in how others think my images would look after a few tweaks. In this case however, I like the original for a few reasons. The angle and receding petals create a nice sense of depth, kind of a falling feeling that adds to the dreamy "loveliness." If you'll step away from what the picture is in terms of ordinary flower petals and see how the different design elements come together perhaps you'll grasp a better understanding of what I'm trying to convey with words. Whew, long sentence! The fact that it is a nice pic of a beautiful flower isn't the only thing that holds my attention, it's how the light and dark features are arranged and ultimately, in this case, the lines that they create. Looking at the attached PS edit might help. I'm super tired right now and am having a hard time making any sense! I'd love to read your thoughts about this new outlook. If I'm just crazy go ahead and tell me, that will help just as much! Thank you.

  2. Love the pillows series! So dark and foreboding but exciting and inspiring as well. Your vision and ideas plus PS knowledge have paid off, I for one am enjoying the results. I'm working on a somewhat similar series with flowers (the architecture in Anchorage is boring) and hope to eventually achieve something as visually stimulating as this. I'm glad I stumbled upon these captivating photos, I shall enjoy returning.



    I'm working up in Alaska with a guy from Maine, he keeps telling me how beautiful the trees and hills are during Autumn.


    This is a good semi-abstraction, it shows that you're seeing more than what's typically viewed passing by. A lot of times in order to do this you must get in close, like you've done here. For me, there would be a lot more experimenting with this subject. I'd probably even pull out the tripod which is something I don't normally use! I've been saying this all over the place recently but it holds true, thinking about lines and shapes when you're composing a photograph is a good thing to do. They're good, natural design elements that help keep the viewer's attention.

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