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Image Comments posted by pio_francesco_pazienza

    Twiddling Zebras

    This pic reminds me a Victor Vaserely graphic/paint. If you Check it you will see that the composition is quite similar and not only for zebras. Maybe you can try to crop this according to his work!

    Sguardi rubati


    The bus stop crowd of people after an international convention.

    Everybody was tired and bored; not me: i had the camera and i enjoyed.

    This one is part of a series, some other shots are visible in my

    portfolio. I only hope that the five persons in this photo will

    appreciate my work even if i did not ask their permission!


    Comments and critiques are welcome


    you expressed innocence of a child very well in this shot. also tenderness and love given from a mother. nice one.



    This shot is taken to a friend of mine sitting on a bench. I tried to

    catch the exact moment in which the smoke, blowed by the wind, went

    back to his face. I would like some comments regarding this photo and

    what can be done to improve it.

    Shadow of Doubt

    The long shadows convey the sense of mistery and drama to a unusual scene. Well done even if i would prefere a whole person add to the shadow, but it's only a personal taste!


    Good work. If you check my portfolio you will find a similar reflection, but this one is sharpner then mine and composed well. Compliments!
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