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Image Comments posted by ashley_wright


    When I first saw the photo I thought it was excellent, then I enlarged it to the big view. It is a very good photo, however, the colors look really strange. It almost looks like back in the old days when you changed your monitor settings from 256 colors down to 16 and the colors look all distorted. Is this intentional? If it wasnt for that I'd say this would be an outstanding image, but the strange coloration is very distracting.
  1. Interesting idea, however, I think it would be more effective in focus and make it so the viewer is "seeing double" by mirroring the vodka bottle. Either that or show the person drinking it. Interesting concept, but I think its lacking in delivery.
  2. I like the facial expressions and it deffinitely fits the requirements of the assignment, but it doesnt really stand out as very unique or original. I agree that a bit more DOF would enhance the photo, have you considered trying to do some post production work on photoshop? I think this could be accomplished fairly easily by adding a bit of lens blur to the background layer.


    This is my first post here on PT, but I figured I'd start with a good one. Being a mariner myself, I think this is an excellent photo. It captures the motion and energy of the storm perfectly and the colors are very true to life. Seeing this photo makes me feel like I'm out to sea. The only minor change I would make would be to remove some of the white graininess from the skyline. Otherwise, it is an outstanding shot.

    BMW from the Rear

    I really like this shot. It has its flaws, however, it has great potential. I agree if you could shoot it at sunset, it would be better. Second, having a neutral background would improve it too. The buildings are a little distracting to the overall subject. The motion aspect of the shot is excellent, I think if you reshot this photo using the same technique again, you'd have a real winner



    This is a simple B&W I worked on the other day, but I'm planning on

    taking the original redish/brown color and putting it onto the

    letters and leaving the rest B&W. Any other suggestions?


    I'm originally from MD. Right now I'm living in NH, but I've had the opportunity to travel all over the east coast and take some photos. This particular shot was from Troy NY.


    I thought about the door issue. I tried getting rid of it completely, but then the lamp post didnt look right. I tried cropping out the lamp post and then I think the overall feel of it was lost. Not sure what to do about it.
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