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Image Comments posted by steve_foster

  1. This shot could not have been better framed. I have to say that when I feel burned out it's your folders I come to for some inspiration. Also, it is shots like this that keep me from going digital. I guess it's like saying that you can always detect the difference between single malts only to be shown wrong on occasion but I just haven't seen a b/w digital shot...even with good PS skills that can match film. Outstanding folders, Tony.
  2. Mike, it is hard to be critical when it appears that you have captured what you wanted here. That is the important part. If you are asking, though, although the tile is about the ferns and growth the first thing that catches my eye is the stream and then the shot gets kinda busy. The viewpoint is high, perhaps a little lower than normal eye height. Perhaps if you got the camera lower down to either the stream or the undergrowth it would give the shot a little more interesting or eye catching foreground along with viewpoint one wouldn't normally see on a hike through the woods. Perhaps without the polarizer you may catch some interesting reflections off the water. Err, that is water, right? It's obvious, though you spent some time thinking about it and there ain't a thing wrong with it. I think "critical" gets a bit subjective and overused. My suggestions are only for experimentation. Do you think this picture communicates what you were trying for?
  3. I recently put up a topic on the board regarding the "art of seeing". I have to say that overall your photos exemplify that talent more than anyone else's here IMHO. Simply outstanding work. I wonder if you realize the extent of your gift. I notice you have been a K fan for a long time and am wondering if you still like the new K-25 film?

    Bird of prey.

    Jason, I'm not going to comment on the technical aspects of this photo. I would like to say however that I don't think one could have better captured the character, if you will, of that bird. There are so many wildlife photos out there and very few of them, even by "pros" seem to really capture much more than a technically perfect photograph of the animal. The personality or insides of the animal just seem to be lacking as if the shooter wasn't looking beyond the obvious. It's funny that we spend so much time trying to catch the emotion in people and even in landscapes while not worrying about what an animal is all about. I think that moment in time caught that bird better than most wildlife photos I have ever seen.


    Tim, I rarely if ever comment on photos here because there are so many others here much better qualified to give intelligent critiques. Since you asked though, my personal taste would have been to have increased the dof in this picture. If the dof here was intentional though, disregard.
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