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Image Comments posted by timswaback

  1. Ive seen the multiple stitched photos and there always seems to be little gaps where the camera cycles the shots. Ive never liked the look of them. The trails look more like stringed beads than continuous arcs. If your method removes those, then id be willing to try it out, but to date I have not seen a stitched photo I have liked.
  2. My first attempt at night sky long exposure. Taken with the Sigma lens

    at 10mm, f8, iso100 for 90 minutes. I tried a 250min exposure, but the

    camera ran out of batteries before it could get through the dark frame

    subtraction because I had noise reduction on. Thanks for looking.




    This was shot at 10mm. 2 exposures (due to lack of GND) put together. I think one was 30 seconds and the other was 10, hence the blurring on the "levee cafe". Thanks for looking.

    Es Pa de Sucre

    Very nice water/rocks/sky pic. Not overdone like some of the other ones I've seen. The sun rays are subtle and the rocks are not overly sharp. All in all a very nice picture to look at.

    Going Home


    Very well done! Ive been working on trying to get this type of contrast in my images as well. It looks almost surreal. Keep up the good work.





    A shot taken with my new sigma 10-20mm. This was actually taken at

    about 9:30PM. Its a composite of 2 images. Let me know what you think.

    Thanks for any critiques in advance.



    After a few days of strait rain the sun finally came out just as the

    sun was setting. The BWCA is a beautiful place. Thanks for any comments.



    Saw this guy after 2 others, all within about a half mile of shore.

    You can see his velveting horns developing. Thanks for any

    comment/critiques. --Tim



    There were probably 100 baby geese down at lake Rebbecca in Hastings,

    MN. Lots of fun to see. Let me know what you think.


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