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Posts posted by timswaback

  1. <p>Hi everyone. I am a long time photography love and have enjoyed the canon EOS system for many years. Recently I have noticed that I often wish I had one of those silly P&S cameras that I can slip in my pocket and carry around when I'm out and about. The Canon stuff is just too big for me to want to bring it along most of the time, and when I do I am overloaded with requests to take pictures. Sometimes I just want to enjoy myself and not be the "photographer".</p>

    <p>Anyway, enough of my rant. What I am looking for is fairly specific and I apologize if it looks like I want everything without paying for it. I have found that good glass plus a decent camera can take fantastic pictures. I do not need top of the line $1000 equipment to take great pictures. Expensive equipment helps, but without an eye for it, money buys nothing.</p>

    <p>Therefor here is my criteria based on a $200 budget<br>

    -Decent picture quality (doesn't have to compair with EOS, just good pictures)<br>

    -Hd video (720 is fine, 1080 better)<br>

    -Manual controls (I am a photographer at heart)</p>

    <p>I don't want a 2009 model camera...obviously with the $200 budget. I guess I am wondering if anyone out there in P&S land knows of a decent camera that can take good HD video and has manual controls for around $200. I don't need 15MP or 8fps or "in camera" cropping. Just a solid video/photo camera.</p>

    <p>Thanks for any help. I appreciate it.<br>

    Tim Swaback<br>

    http://www.swabackphotography.com (if anyone might be interested)</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. Don't worry guys. The photo that was signed over with this contract doesn't have a single person in it. It is a landscape photo. I highly doubt they will do anything with it besides what they already have done. They put a 6'x10' print of it in their entrance. I can't imagine they will try to sell it to another party, and if they do, no big deal to me honestly. I just want to know if I can still make/sell prints on my own, and it seems like I can.


    Thanks for all the help


    PS I think the part of it talking about children or people in the photographs is just to cover them in case there is a child in the photo. In my case there isn't.

  3. I hereby grant to **** and its agencies, its parent, subsidiaries and

    affiliates, the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission in

    respect of any film, videotape, and/or audio recording of my image and voice,

    and the image and voice of my minor child (if any), to use, reuse, publish, and

    republish the same, in whole or part, individually or in any and all media now

    or hereafter known, and for any purpose whatsoever, for illustration, promotion,

    art, editorial, advertising and trade, or any other purpose without restriction.


    I hereby release and discharge **** and its officers, directors, employees,

    agents and assigns, from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in

    connection with the use of the photographs, including without limitation, any

    and all claims for libel or invasion of privacy.


    This authorization and release shall also inure the heirs, legal

    representatives, licensees, agents and assigns of ****, for whom the photographs

    were taken.



    My question, can I still make prints and sell a photo that is included in this

    contract? I'm under the impression that this just means they can use the photo

    however they want, but doesn't necessarily bar me from making further prints.



  4. well for indoor stuff the 10-22 is going to be hard pressed because of light limitations. Using a flash with it is also difficult because of how wide it is. The 16-35 is much faster so it will work better in low light, but you lose some of the wide angle. And you are right in the fact that the 10-22 will not work on a FF camera, but if you're just starting out you might have your crop camera for a while. Plus that 10-22 should retain most of its value on the used market.
  5. I live in hastings, and there are some pretty nice shots to be taken down here. Eagles fly around all the time, and the bridge can produce some nice results. Drive down the river like suggest above. Also, take a canoe trip up to the BWCA, you definitly wont be sorry. Bring extra batteries and a pelican case though! Beautiful!
  6. HaHa, BluRay!?! More like HD-DVD!


    No, I dont want to get into a format war, but my suggestion is to wait at least a year more to see where the Blu-ray vs Hd-DVD battle goes. They're pretty even right now, dont buy into bluray only to have it go south, and then have to backup again to Hddvd.


    (BTW, I bought into HD-DVD, much cheaper than crazy priced Blu-Ray, and the same quality)

  7. Im going to be using better bounce cards (abetterbouncecard.com) to some outdoor

    shots im doing as well as some indoor shots. I will be using a canon rebel xt

    and a 430ex flash. My question is probably a common one but oh well.


    If I'm in Av mode and meter for ambient light outdoors (bright day), the flash

    should output for fill flash, but if I have a bounce card on it, won't I get a

    lot less fill flash because a lot is lost because of firing it upwards? Won't

    most of my images be underexposed for the fill? I really don't have time to be

    manually setting everything so what is the solution here? Thanks for the help.

  8. I'm shooting an outdoor wedding Friday and I was wondering what you would

    suggest as the highest ISO to use. Since it is outside I should be able to get

    away with 100. I'm using the two cameras along with a 24-105L IS, 70-200L 2.8IS,

    and 85L 1.2. The reception is probably going to be in a tent and as the night

    goes on I may have to boost up the ISO even with the 85 1.2. I usually shoot

    mostly landscape so I never use anything other than 100. I'm thinking 400 is

    probably Ok, but beyond that I might get significant noise. Anyone have any

    experience with this? Thanks!

  9. I have an XT with battery grip and two 1700mAh Sterlingtek batteries. I shot a

    90min exposure with noise reduction (aditional 90 minute blank exposure) and it

    worked great (star trails photo in my portfolio). I then attempted a 250min

    exposure with noise reduction. When i closed the shutter the camera went into

    its dark frame mode and when i woke up in the morning the camera had no juice

    and the picture was not saved.


    Has anyone pushed this camera with battery grip to the limits of long exposure?

    This is quite a long experiment to find out so I figured Id ask to see if anyone

    has tried anything over 2 hours with noise reduction.


    (I was using ISO 100, f5.6, 10mm lens)



  10. I would like to get a P series set for my new 10-20. I was wondering what parts

    i need to get. From what i gather looking at it I need


    1. Adapter ring (77mm)

    2. Filter Holder (Wide Angle maybe?)

    3. Filters (thinking about going with Hitech)


    Did I miss anything or is this all that I need. Thanks for any help!

  11. Just curious if people have had luck using the cheap cable releases found on

    ebay. Im just looking for something that can be used with the bulb setting and

    also for eliminating vibration. Up to this point ive just used the mirror lock

    up custom function on a timer, which seems to work pretty good, but alas, no

    bulb options.

  12. You can't print a 6' x 9' print with a 6mp camera and have it look as good as a 39MP(Hassy) camera. Our eye doesn't print larger pictures. If you want to make billboards that look good up close, then you have to have 39MP. If you want to print 6"x9", then 6MP is fine.
  13. So I have the 50mm 1.8 and i really like it. Cheap lens and takes great

    pictures. Ive looked around for a hood option for it and it all seems like cheap

    junk that will just break. I happen to have a lens hood that doesnt fit any lens

    that I have, and it has no numbers or anything on it so i couldnt sell it to fit

    anything. I was thinking about super gluing it to the focus ring. The hood would

    twist with the ring on auto focus so Im not sure if that would be a huge stress

    on the motor or not. The lens is cheap and it would be nice to have a hood on it

    so its just a though? any thoughts?

  14. Sounds reasonable to me. You have good primes if you really need that extra few stops. I'm just curious about UK pricing, wouldn't it be cheaper to buy from the US and have it shipped? Or does it come out to the same price because shipping is high?
  15. I'm looking to buy a point and shoot for my girlfriend soon. My budget is about

    $200. She wants one of those really think types that you can slip into your

    pocket and take anywhere (ex. not canon A-series). Anyone have a good experience

    with this type of camera in that price range. I'm thinking theres going to be

    quite a bit indoor stuff in low light. Thanks for any help!



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