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david bohn

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Posts posted by david bohn

  1. Christopher you are right about the mofia thing, rate a 4/4 to one of the members and you will get slammed with 2/2 - 2/3s from people with made up accounts. No big deal though, it is quite amusing. I find that there are a lot of people doing nudes because they think it all of the sudden makes their photos "art" Same with B&W, to me it just shows me how amature they are.
  2. Sure, of course some people don't care if its digital or film (especially if you are charging greeting card prices) but I think that if you look at the "serious" photography collectors you will here them asking for film prints, and this isn't going to change for a while. You can spout off about how you can't tell the difference between a 2200 digital print out and a lab print, but put that digital print against an ilfachrome.......then tell me you cant see a difference.
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