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Posts posted by bryan_weaver

  1. Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III... Anyone upgrading from 10D or 20D to one of

    these... I shoot a lot of sports photography, so I think I'd like the 10fps?

    What are you hearing, should I just upgrade to Mark II since they will

    probably drop in price because of Mark III release?

  2. I have to help a women in the outdoors get together, later this summer with a

    two-hour crash course on digital photography. These women are for the most

    part 30+ in age and will be doing other things like an archery class, outdoor

    cooking, gardening class for some of the other events. I have access to

    electricity and such in the ranger station to start out inside, but I'd like

    to get them out for a short assignment and come back and look at the results.

    Anyone have any ideas? Have you done something like this before? I only have

    two hours from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. in early June. We are at a state park and have

    access to some nice backdrops and water, etc. I need some suggestions on how

    to steer this course and gear it towards my students and their needs. I think

    for the most part they will be novice users with point and shoot type

    cameras. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

  3. first pix is a little more grainy for some reason and also shows fuzziness....acts like lens not set same for this body as for second pix, but I have checked and both set the same, using same lens, same gym so same lighting....most of pix involving the white uniforms were somewhat blurred as compared to the darker uniform...

    anyone see any difference in setup that might result in this?

  4. I have two Canon 10D bodies, one says firmware 2.0 and other is firmware 1.0.

    Just got the 1.0 firmware camera back from Canon, it was cleaned and hotshoe

    issue fixed with a new one, etc. Shot action photos at 1600iso this evening,

    using 70-200 2.8 lens and every pix was really fuzzy. switched back to 2.0

    camera and it shot great photos, nice and sharp at same settings using the

    same lens.

    What gives? Only difference I can see is 2.0 firmware Canon doesn't have

    anything listed in AF mode (empty, not Al Servo, one shot or aifocus, nothing

    there? HOw did it do this and is this what is the difference? I shoot in

    manual mode at 250th of a second, with lens opened up to 2.8 at 1600iso....

    Anything I am missing here?

  5. I have two Canon 10D bodies and would like to know where you all send off a

    body to have a cleaning and repair. I'd like my body looked at and cleaned

    and if it needs recalibrating, etc.

    Where do you send and what type of cost involved? How long does it take to

    get it back?

  6. Having a little issue...I have a nice Christmas portrait background setup, but

    in trying some test shots, tree lights not showing up for me? Anyone have any

    other ideas? I've tried stopping down to 90 and even 60, but then lights too

    bright and I've got some cheaper Britek strobes that only have 1/2 or full

    power...no adjustments other than that.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated?

  7. I was trying to experiment with night HS football shooting at 1600 and 800

    ASA, at a speed of 200 with Canon 10D, with 70-200mm 2.8 IIS lens...I was

    having trouble trying to get my 550ex flash to shoot in a strobistic burst,

    even though I saw another guy shooting with the same setup. I have the canon

    battery grip and an additional external battery pack in place as well. I have

    poured over my book in trying to find the right settings, and I think it has

    the capability, I'm just overlooking something. I want is to fire a burst to

    really light up the shot.

    I have tried to synch the 550ex at even faster speed, but it defaults to 200

    as the fastest it can shoot with, which causes some blur at times?

    Any suggestions?

  8. I have been trying to set my 550ex flash to shoot rapid or strobe like and

    synch up at 200 asa, but having no luck. Am I missing a setting somewhere? I

    have poured over the book, but I think it can be done, but I am missing


    I have a Canon 10D with 550ex flash and external battery pack, trying to shoot

    night football. I experimented shooting harness racing without much luck, but

    I saw a guy using very similar EOS setup right next to me. Does the 550ex not

    use rapid flash?

  9. I am debating buying Canon 2.x teleconvertor to take my 70-200mm to a

    400mm lens for softball and baseball.

    Anyone had any experiences they want to share? I use Canon 10D body

    with the lens......and shoot action sports shots and some posed up


  10. I have a problem and not sure what needed to remedy...

    I have two Canon 10D bodies (one in a backup bought used and the

    other is my new body). I recently bought a new 550EX flash and found

    out that for some reason, it will not sit on the hotshoe of the new

    body, but will on the old backup. I don't have camera strap on old

    body and its uncomfortable to carry without strap....etc.

    How come it will not fit new body? Is the hotshoe damaged on the new

    body and bent somehow? If it is it really isn't noticeable. Anyone

    have any suggestions for "bending" the new hotshoe without tearing

    something up? Use needlenose pliers or do you recommend sending

    off? I really don't want to damage something, but it may already

    be. I have been careful and don't remember any drop that would have

    bent it or anything heavy sitting on the camera? I have been very

    careful with it so I just wondered if their is some design difference

    or variation in the 10D bodies?

  11. I bought a new 550EX to use with my Canon 10d for shooting night

    football on Friday nights. I use 70-200 f2.8 lens with IIS....

    Anyway, the new 550ex ate AA batteries in that I used up a set of

    four before halftime! I chose to purchase the battery pack and it

    loads nine batteries and is quick to recycle. Except now, some of my

    images (shot at iso 800) are blue tinted? Anyone with a suggestion?

    I used the battery pack at a wedding on Saturday as well and it

    through a blue tint on the stuff I shot with the flash. Anyone have

    a suggestion I could try and remove the blue? I can do it in

    Photoshop, but just seems a pain if I can correct on the camera

    itself at the time of the photo.

    I liked the shots I was able to get at 1/200th and iso 800 at the

    football game though. Images much clearer than before. I have posted

    an example of the blue



  12. I have been shooting football without a flash, and pushing to 1600

    iso with f/2.8 lens, but everything very grainy. I dropped it to 800

    and shot with 550ex, but flash synched up at 1/200th and I got some

    blur. Can I elminate that if I could just get it to 250 or 350? Can

    I leave it at iso 400 and would it shoot at 1/250th. Someone told me

    I could even though I can't find any documentation?

    Any suggestions, I have the 550ex with battery pack and Lumiquest

    attachments, so I have the juice to throw some light on the subject

    using 70-200mm lens. Anyone have any good ideas, Friday night is


  13. I have a Metz 50MZ-5 flash unit left over from using with Canon EOS

    Elan II 35mm camera set. Can I use this same flash with Canon 10D?

    I have a hotshoe adapter (sca 3101), but just hooking it up it

    doesn't appear to work? Will I need new adapter? What type?

    It's either use this or break down and buy 550EX

  14. I have been attending sporting events, both school related and not,

    when parents have asked me to shoot photos of their children (sports

    action shots mostly). Sometimes I recognize a child and know their

    parents and I shoot some stuff to make a pitch to sell to them

    later. I have posted some of these on my website (no names or IDs,

    except a number, though you can tell the school by the name or mascot

    on jersey). Has anyone run into any privacy issues from your schools

    if you are doing the same thing?

    I had an administrator ask me are they liable for anything that I do,

    since I am not an employee and don't have their permission. I pay my

    way into games just like anyone else, so its not ever any question

    about that.

    My problem is that if it comes down to me having to get permission to

    be there, I may not want a competitor to come in from out of town and

    do the same thing. There are two sides to this issue.

    Has anyone worked up a release or anything like that? What have you

    encountered in shooting action sports shots in your locations?

  15. Getting ready to make a purchase of a Canon flash for 10D. I take a

    lot of action photos (football, basketball, baseball and softball).

    Which would you recommend? Is there that big of a difference or plus

    of 580 over 550?

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