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Posts posted by fred_schmulz

  1. Ms. Beater (I ASSUME it's "Ms."), I don't think your answer is humorous in the least! I have serious questions about photography that should be treated with the utmost respect. This business about latex and other body functions drags down this forum. Please see Mr. Tai's excellent suggestions regarding anonymous postings. Shame on you!
  2. Also, can you tell me everything about every MF camera ever made? What should I buy? Why is it so expensive? Is the Hasselblad REALLY better than the Lubitel? How do you know? Also, I need a new toaster oven. What do you recommend. I will read every answer but reserve the right to argue with all of them. I don't want to do any research myself, so I thought I would take advantage of this forum. I really like to hear myself whine. I owned a Kodak once; it was pretty good. Does Kodak make any MF cameras today? If not, why?
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