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Posts posted by georgekontaxis

  1. thanks for all your answers.


    i have got a lot of contradictory opinions on the matter so still not sure 100%. My main

    interest is selling the images of the Las Vegas hotels as fine art prints in an art gallery in

    Vegas. Any other uses that i might be interested in doing are not a concern of the present

    time, rather than just curiosity for future uses that might come up.


    i suppose if the gallery was worried about legal issues with the hotels they wouldnt want

    to put the prints there either since they are the ones selling my art work, so they would

    get in trouble too, right? And they are not worried about the whole thing.


    what if i shot images where you could see many hotels, more of a ganeral city view, would

    that solve the problem since it is not about a particular hotel and it is more of a shot of

    the city of Las Vegas?


    i would appreciatte more opinions on selling the Las Vegas hotel images as art prints in an

    art gallery, in order to get a better idea of the legal status of the situation.


    thanks for your time


    George Kontaxis


  2. Hi


    I have some pictures of Las Vegas hotels that i am interested to sell through an art gallery

    in Vegas as fine art prints. I wonder if I would need any property releases to be able to sell

    them as fine art prints. Also would it be the same case if i would be interested to sell them

    through a stock agency?


    You can see the images here:




    I would appreciatte any answers on that matter.




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