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Posts posted by b_b21

  1. I think I can spot the same problem on the mast of the rightmost boat. Since it is far wider than the original one, I would rule out the aliassing effect. I would take two images of the same scene just to see what are the diferences of the in camera conversion and the conversion made by the two different programs.


    Hope this helps.

  2. Thank you every one, Right now I'm not so terrified. A little scared but more confident on the job ahead due to your advice.


    Gary : I'm pusuing that line of though and I also believe it is the safest way for everyone but I have also to think on the other posibilities.


    Grant : The rehersal I believe was on Tuesday so I wasn't on the rehersal. With some 500 images on the D100 on the most extreme light conditions available over the last 3 weeks, I think I can manage the camera, I still love my Pentax Spotmatic with the 1.4 but it is no longer good for Color photographs. Too many years shooting with it.


    Jim : I'm taking notes and making the proper check list's. The TLR is a camera I've used for some years now.

    My secretary is getting married in a month or so she is having her wedding gown tested this evening just to give me a hand on the exposure part of the ecuation. I'll bring a dark coat to look at the contrast between them.


    Jake : I love street photographie, a month or so ago the groom looked at my wallpaper and asked me of it. I showed him some of my photos and he seemed to like them, although most of them are available night shots.


    James : Thanks for the advice, I am very familiar with the 50mm focal lenght although the crop factor has bothered me a little.


    Gerald : I don't think It will happen but I'll take my precautions. Thanks


    Scott : Thanks I'm trying hard no to panic any more, one of the guests is an experienced graphics designer, I'll ask her for some help on the workflow. I saw her do some really nice things with PS. when it was only a Mac thing ;)


    Stuart : Thank you.


    Calico : I read your mail its is very reassuring.


    Steve : Thank you for your offering but I'm not in the US and your are very far away. Whenever I go to NY I'll give you a call.

  3. 30 minutes ago a friend of mine that is getting married asked me if I

    could be the fotographer on his wedding. I think the pro they hired

    had some kind of an accident.


    I'm simply terrified, I asked a few friends who are professional

    wedding photographers and they are all booked up for this Saturday.


    I tried to make a simple plan.


    People flow:


    For the formals I asked my friend for a relative of his to tell me who

    is going to be in which fotograph. Who are bride's family and who are

    groom's family.


    After I post this, I'll take a look at the restaurant and the church

    they are getting married. I already talked to the priest and explained

    the problem, and he'll wait for me sometime and will give me the

    angles and the position where "pros" usually stand to take pictures.


    The owner of the restaurant is also a friend of mine and a photo

    enthusiast so I asked him for some help which he'll gladly give me in

    the restaurant, he can't attend the wedding ceremony.


    I have right now a D100 which is borrowed but I'm somewhat familiar

    with it. I also have a SB800 Flash Nikon 50mm f1.8 and a Sigma 25mm

    2.8 one of my pro friends offered me a Kodak 14n a 25-105d and another

    SB800 I know the Kodak is a far superior camera but I'm not quite

    familiar with it so I'll take it as a backup. I also be taking a TLR

    6x6 for some candids.


    Right now I'm terrified and hoping for a miracle, let's hope it

    happens but I just can't wait for it. I need some advice to what I'm



    Any special tip not to blow the wedding gown of the bride or anything

    else you might know that can help me.


    I will be borrowing 6 4Gb Cards will they be enough to shoot all

    pictures in RAW or should I bring my Laptop also.


    Thanks a lot for your help.



  4. I recently was given a" The Revere 8mm Model 88" 8 mm film movie

    camera. I accidentaly opened it and found film on it. Is there a way

    to take the film out safely to have it developed. I expect the film to

    be very old and probably won't have any images. But i owe it to the

    person who gave me the camera.


    Thanks for your help

  5. On the olimpics for every 10 judges the highest and the lowest marks are eliminated to avoid biasing. For every 10 ratings, you could do the same and the usual 7/7 "mate rating" and the 1/1 "hate rating" would be eliminated from the average. Just a though.


    B. B.

  6. Some definitions:


    Mate rating : If you rate me with 7/7 I'll rate you likewise. Which by no means is truthfull I'm wholy against for the simply reason that you are simply buying your ratings.


    On the isue "I know you, I like your photographs I'm not perfect I rate you accordingly (overrate)" I know it is a mistake but then again is something completely different from the definition above and people tend to do this. As people have a tendency to explore and socialize, this usually desappear.


    Now for the postings above, read them carefully and see for yourself the differences in both. Put aside the fact that the two persons are no longer on this community and give some though to them.


    Anyway I think you already made your choice.


    Greetings B. B.

  7. Mr Lukas I think what you wrote is beside the point.


    On http://www.photo.net/photo/2575134


    It is writen


    Mark Lucas Photo.net Patron, August 02, 2004; 04:26 A.M.

    Nice attempt at a composite Pedro, if a little obvious. Also, the boat sits uncomfortably low in the frame - it needs just a little more space at the bottom.


    Hi Mark:

    Pedro G. Casas Photo.net Patron, August 02, 2004; 05:10 A.M.

    A lot of days without knowing nothing of you. Thanks for the advice, you know your comments are always welcome.


    On an account which is also deleted.


    With this two examples it is obvious that the wording you used generated different responses.


    I think that having a technical ability which exceeds the majority on this site, doesn't give you the right to call anybody sycophant or member of a mafia.


    You Mr Lukas, have a choice now, learn from an honest critique or discard it as an insult. The choice is yours I hope you make the right decision.


    Sincerely B. B.

  8. Mr Lukas wrote:


    "To clear up any confusion, it wasn't Mr Zafar who reacted sarcastically to critique of one of his photo's. I'm afraid I dared to offer an honest appraisal of one of the Spanish mafia's pictures."


    On http://www.photo.net/photo/2712931


    Mr Lukas worte:


    "All credit to the graffiti artist but unfortunately none to the photographer.


    How can you sycophants justify such high ratings?


    Calling it "original"? Please... "


    Luisa Obrador wrote a few postings below:


    "... Es cierto que Mark tiene razon en que todo el merito es del dibujante, pero el caso es que a mi me gustan los grafittis con mucho colorido, (en mi portafolios hay 8 o 10) y por lo que se ve a la gente tambien les gusta. No creo que por esta razon haya que menospreciar a los que me dan buena puntuacion, por otro lado y ya no soy modesta, en todas las grandes ciudades hay grafitti, pero hay que encontrarlos, seleccionarlos y fotografiarlos bien. ..."


    Which translated should read:

    "... Mark is right where the whole merit is of the man who draw the graffiti, the fact is that I like colorful grafitties (in my portfolio there are 8 or 10) for what it seems people also like them. I don't think for this reason we have to underestimate those who give me good ratings, on the other side, I'm not modest any more. In every big city there ir grafitti, buy you have to find them, screen them and take a good fotograph of them. ..."


    With the above comentaries cut and pasted, you can find for yourself, that the Spanish Mafia you mention whom you are afraid of posting a sincere appraisal, is sensitive to your comments and apreciates them. I think which by no means is acceptable is your way of posting them. This is nothing but an example of how sometimes we can have a good opinion and the wording used can be responsable for a bad response of our audience. (Remember, we are here to learn and teach.)


    As for the rating system and the TRP I find them now less useful than at the time I found Photo.net, I think the systems lack an objectivity that every person has to give it. I mean that the same picture by John Peri and by someone else will have different trafic and therefore different ratings.


    I find more useful the well though comments of people like John Crosley, Salvatore Mele, Lee Park and some others, than the usual well done, crop this and that. There is also a guy whose screen name is .[. Z which usually gives comments which are well though. Not the most liked person on the site, but I'm sure one whose apraisal of photos is well centered on reality and posibilities of each one he rates and comments ( a little sarcastic some times).


    I think a way of improving the site would be a way to "rate" comments as it is also an important part of the learning process which I think Philip Greenspun originaly made this site for.


    Hope this gives an idea to improve an overall great site.


    Have a nice Evenning everyone. B. B.

  9. I know that there is a surgery that can make your eyesight nearly 20/20 and it can really make a difference in your life. As a systems engineer told me, It frees you of "load of wearing eyeglasses" It requires a lot of courage to do it, but I've heard it works great.


    Hope this helps. Greetings B. B.

  10. Do they know it is technically awful?


    Are they looking for technical advice?


    Are they pro's or amateurs looking for that elusive "I know something is wrong but I don't know what?"


    To achieve a great picture, you first have to know the rules. Then to make an outstanding picture you have to twist the same rules in order to catch the eye of the experts. Beeing close to the boundary makes you prone to mess things. Photography like cooking are not exact science most of the time you need something beyond technick.


    Greetings B. B.

  11. I will sound repetitive but by no means go alone, its a harsh environment were you can be at risk. Take a friend or a relative for the sake of security, any camera you take let it be the most discrete as posible.
  12. Hands on experience, I think you should rent both and take some pictures with them. I can't tell you how you are going to feel them. There are far too many points to consider, shutter lag, S/N levels, user interface, just to name a few. I'm sure you would give a diferent weight upon different features of each tipe.


    My personal taste. I just can't deal with menus, so guess where I'm stuck.


    Take care and keep shooting.

  13. Everyone has told you about their peculiar likings of such and such lenses. Everyone is valid and very true, diferent lenses for diferent situations.


    For your " amateur question) why are the 1.4's of the same sizes SO much more money?. is 1/2 stop of light that important to warrant 3 times the price?"


    Sorry to tell you but we don't live in a linear world. If you want to go in a car at 110mph you can buy your self New Beetle for $30,000 usd (give or take a few grand). If you want to ride a car at 220mph you would surely have to buy Porsche or something in the price range of $300,000 usd. So you see the same thing hapens with lenses. There is a point in technololgy that a marginal increment in performance gives you a huge increment in cost.


    If you think a 50mm f1.4 is expensive take a look at Canon 50mm f1.0 to the best of my knowledge the "precious" little thing is worth $5,000 usd.


    Take care and keep shooting.

  14. Try taking the batteries off, without the batteries turn the camera on and even try to shoot a picture. This will drain all the inner capacitances of the circuitry and will surely force the camera into a full or hard reset. It should rewrite the auto white balance so the problem is solved. If this doesn't work, take it to be repaired. The actual cause can be a very long list. If you take it and the problem reapears ( very probable) you might as well leave it for your kids to play.


    Take care


  15. IMHO there is nothing like hands on experience, on this page you are able to find your local astronomy club, and they will gladly show you how every type of telescope works. Pros and cons.




    Remember that to have a nice nature fotograph you need a good tripod. In astronomy they are called mounts. Try and look at various types, and what you need. The farther the object you want to photograph, the dimmer it is going to be and the more stable and accurate your mount has to be.


    Have a great time and be warm.


    B. B.

  16. Your right the shutter needs a CLA, If you have no experience don't give it a try. It is located in between the lenses. You need to disassemble the whole camera to have acces to the shutter. The focusing knob should move the whole front plate of the camera. If it turns freely it may be that the inner rims are just disengaged and you just need to engange them. Why did they disengaged? If the focusing rods are broken then you have another problem.


    I suggest you give the camera back and point out the problems to the owner. The camera is a joy to use, but a pain when it doesn't work properly.


    Have a nice Day


    B. B.

  17. To Mike Kovacs:


    Thank you for your concern I'll do my best and let you know.


    To Myke:


    Thank you for your advice everything seems ok on that part but its a great view of the pentaprism that needs resilvering, this process is to risky for my health therefore I will have it re-aluminized in a special optics institute near by. It will cost me dear but its worth it.


    To John Goodman and Benny Steves:


    Thank you I already contacted Chris from NZ through e-mail he's very suportive and I think he can help me.


    To Lynn Loeffel:


    Thank you for your time to post an answer, when I have all the pieces of the puzzle in place I just might take a long overdue vacation, maybe just maybe to New Zealand.

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