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Posts posted by peter.corrigan

  1. Some Tips from a native.<br>

    Overall we've had a good summer, and that weather seems likely to continue, so do pack that Velvia. As ever, very early morning and evening are best times for shooting. Again, be prepared for the unexpected. Momentary light changes are the norm, so take your chances when you get 'em. That is not to say you could'nt get days of 100% murky skies and rain - that is certainly possible.<br><br>

    General tips<br>

    Ireland is not quite as laid back as it used to be a couple of years ago. Increasing affluence has removed some of the old charm. Rural areas, off the beaten track are best. The speed limit is 100kph on most roads except within villages and towns. It is now strictly enforced, (which was not the case a few years ago). <br>

    Needless to say, keep that expensive camera kit out of sight in a locked boot (trunk) when you park your car, unless you carry it with you.<br>

    For Ireland: a useful <a href="http://www.aaireland.ie/routes/">route planner.</a><br>

    You're going to have a great trip. Enjoy.

  2. Thanks Jim, <br>I guess I may have to do that, but am slightly reluctant as my HK Xpan is a 'grey import' and was significantly cheaper than a UK sourced equivalent. The reason I ask on this forum is that this is possibly a FAQ. Accordingly, a PDF version may well be circulation.




    PS Nice site, btw.

  3. I bought my brand new Xpan II from HK a couple of weeks ago and what

    a bummer... it came with a non-English manual. When I contacted the

    seller they apologised and sent me another manual - again not in

    English. I now have two German Xpan II manuals. (If you need a German

    Xpan II manual I'm your man.) Can anyone help me, I'd really like to

    get sight of an English language Xpan II manual in PDF/JPEG/

    photocopy or whatever format any kind soul can supply.



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