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Posts posted by jim_richards1

  1. Greetings

    Recently i was lucky to obtain a 8x10 camera and for a first lens an apo symmar L 210mm (2nd hand)

    actually i was on the lookout for a super symmar 210 but the apo L was the right price.

    anyway tips for using this lens on 8x10 would be great for a 8x10 novice/virgin,


    what i,m wondering about is :


    minimum aperture that will sucessfully cover the format f11 ? f16 ???

    optimum aperture f22-32??

    for portraits i wish to shoot as wide as possible ,(for light and shallow depth of field)

    for landscapes whatever is best


    any suggestions for focussing cloth matierial , i,m thinking somekind of sythetic matierial like





  2. Greetings all

    a postscipt ,i,m just back from viewing the beast ,and i walked ,depite being totally impressed with the 1200 seies collum ,( yeah i know that doesn,t look spelt right)cariier and general quality engineering ,

    the control system seem "dodgey" and far too complicated for me to do bw

    yeah i will do vc B+W , but this thing would only expose through each filter individually , and the b+w setting did not work .

    with something like an multigrade head it would be fantastic i,am sure

    instead of all masks there were only 45 and 35 mmm and 3 mix boxes 35mm 6x6 +45 , anyway i did not have a good feeling about it so i walked

    thanks for your help guys ,

    i think i,m on the lok out for a simpler 1200



  3. Greetings photo.net,ers

    After many years without the the luxury of a darkroonm ,

    i now have a suitable space ,well not 100% suitable but as good as it

    gets for the time being .

    i use 35mm to 4x5 inclusive , and mainly monochrome(darkroom 100% mono)

    i have stumbled across an ad for a durst ac1201 enlarger and the price

    seems reasonable , apparantly with all neg carriers and mixing chambers

    i will be viewing this enlarger later this week .

    info on the google is very scarce

    but it seems to be a very high tech 4x5 enlarger , maybe auto focus ,

    some computerizeation .......

    as i know absolutely nothing about this machine .

    i welcome any advice/comments about this enlarger or the durst 1200

    series in general ,

    positive or negative (ha ha )

    anything i should look out for in particular?

    is it alignable ?

    are neg carriers good ?

    is devere better ? etc etc

    whatever you can come up with would be wonderful .

    thanks all and

    happy light in 05


  4. Greetings

    I have read about meter inacuracy with 67II,s,but for me the proof has been in the pudding and i have found the meter on mine to be spot on at least in 6segment mode with "tranny" material, even with a linear pol filter on board which amazed me .


  5. Greetings

    i wish to expiriment with stitched panorama's using p67 gear ,i

    understand the camera should pivot forward of the film plane ,

    according to my research at what is called the "exit pupil" of the

    lens , should anyone know the spec's on p67 lenses ie the 45mm,

    current 55mm and 105mm and the al,75mm that would be great if you

    could post info on the point in space at wich the camera should pivot,

    so i can knock up a bracket to mount the camera on




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