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Image Comments posted by tylerfrans





    I'm not a hugely succesful photographer myself however, I see a couple mistakes you made in this photo... firstly you cut your subjects off at a joint... it makes for an odd photo. Better cropping would be between the knees and ankles. secondly the tree in the background is very distracting and beyond that the brown is even more distracting.


    Go out and try again and hopefully you'll have more luck next time.




    I like the photo a lot. Makes me think of a mannequin and the ever lasting search for beauty. Exaggerated lips and what looks like a skin mask. However, I feel the lost/empty feeling... the empty feeling is achieved by how wide the eyes are... if the eyes are the gateway to a persons emotions... wide eyes are an open gateway of somebody pleading for somebody to come in. A great capture!



    Kevin - Thanks for the comments... I thought about taking the sign out... however I always felt that this photo made me tilt my head as looked at it... almost like I was going around the corner... the sign there for me, adds something to almost watch out for. A obstacle if you will, that is why I left it in.





    Wonderful photo... the rod almost touching the top is what made the photo for me. Had it hit the top all the intensity in the photo would be lost. It evokes an almost eerie feeling that something bad is about to happen... further intensified by the dark rocks.


    Well Done. 7/7



    My question has nothing to do with the photographic quality of this picture. My greatest question is what was your drive to do this image? I was born using computers and I love working with them. I was also born into a family that gives a lot of money away to developing countries. What was your drive to do this image? Is it just a picture or is there something behind it for you? The picture seems rather ironic to me and was that your intent?


  1. Beautiful photo. The only thing I would have changed is including all of the tip of the bridge in the reflection. It seems a little cut off. Other than that I think this is a good photo. Too bad the sky wasn't a little more exciting. 6/6


    You have to tell me how to do this! I am amazed by this picture and only dream of the day that I too will be able to take this picture (if it happens at all). Your colors are amazing... I feel too inexperienced to even say good things about this photo. I am very impressed! 7/7!


    would look so much better without the drop shaddow... I like the black line on the outside but I find the drop shaddow only takes away from the photo. Great photo though!
  2. I personally disagree with you Bradley. I see enough of the boots to catch that they're there... and so did you. I think for me the ruggedness in this photo with the dark browns and then the dirt on the hat bring a fulfilling feel. As in hey I worked hard and I was rewarded. Great photo, I'm a big fan!


    I'm jealous, I can't seem to take pictures like this... maybe it's just a matter of time. I so desire to take images like this that I can blow up and hang on my walls. I guess it's only time.

    guitars II

    just curious why you decided to put this photo standing upward...? to me it would seem more logical to have the lines running horizontal, but I appreciate this photo very much, I would actually hang something like this on my walls in my house! very nice! 7/7
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