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Image Comments posted by jason_campbell2

  1. I have a question for Mr. McCracken. Why would you post things like "I would have killed myself long ago" about the author of a critique you asked for? Critiques sting sometimes. And it's good for photographers and photography. One of the first teachers I had in school was ruthless in critique. It was embarassing sometimes. But, I saw people in that class improve dramatically in very short periods of time. One of the last teachers I had in school was very easy in his critiques. Students left the class making the same mistakes in composition, subject matter etc. they were making when they started.

    With that being said, you have some nice photography on your photo.net portfolio. This image is not one of them. The models you are using are attractive and the wardrode is fun and playful but you have taken an image that some might call "boring" and tried to make it more interesting by shifting the frame. Of the 15 photos in the "scantily clad girls" section 7 had the same "technique". It does nothing to add to the overall effect of the images. The effect is one that saws the girl at the wrists. Also the image is too flat. There is no tonal depth between the model and the wall. Her shoulder almost blends into the wall.

    As for Mr O' Reilley's comment that it is "marginally exploitive", I disagree. But I do agree that it is a boring photo.

    Please don't tell me you think I should kill myself....

  2. Good photo. Much better not against a brick wall. It's good because it shows some setting (suburbia). The house or business in the background with the SUV show the reality of where they are.
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