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Image Comments posted by josh_brem


    she's about the sexiest model on pn, and you do a great job in capturing that sexiness on media. I also think that it is her individuality that makes her so attractive and such a great subject to photograph.



    Awesome image. What kind of film did you use? It looks like tech-pan, but I'm not very experienced with high contrast films.

    thank you,


  1. I think this conveys a mood very well. The only things I would change would be to not crop the edge of the mirror and top of grave stone, and to put your name somewhere else in the image, perhaps on a mat made for it in photoshop. And isn't the K-1000 a great camera? I love it and won't sell mine to this day.

    Josh Brem

    Still Life


    To me, the candle looks lit, a small flame like the wax is on the verge of smothering the flame, but it does look lit...

    very good, I wish I was as good at still lifes as you.

    Cleo, Texas



    This is off my first real roll of color film and is also my first real

    attempt at manipulating an image in photoshop. I shot with Kodak

    Ultra Color 100 and adjusted the levels and curves and tweaked the

    saturation just a bit.

    Any critiques are welcome.

    Thank you.


  2. This is my first attempt at macro photography. I realize that I

    should have used a smaller aperture or changed my point of focus to

    get the point of the leaf sharp but I do love how the fillaments that

    are in focus have that curl at the end. Oh well, I guess hindsight is

    20/20. Any critiques are greatly appreciated. thankyou

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