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Posts posted by geo33

  1. Ok,


    Here is my first post to the forum. I have to admit this was done a bit ago. I hope that's ok. I don't really have time this week to shoot some shoes. It was done with tungsten light using umbrellas actually. One from the right with a fill from the left and of course the glow in the back. I'm still not overly thrilled with the outcome. I think it washed the whites out although I can't say I've ever tryed to redo it. Thanks again for you guys doing this forum.


    Greg Orlando<div>009XqI-19711184.jpg.919037a91cf12b622f7263a7a5678351.jpg</div>

  2. Kyle,


    Being that I'm still new in my Photography career. I understand how hard this is. I'm just a little over a year into it. I must also agree with some of the earlier posts. First you must make a choice as to what kind of photography you wish to do, at least deciede if you will be a people shooter or not. That will narrow it down. Then you have to HAVE TO have a book (portfolio) to show. This will be your basis for finding work. If you are going to do portraits that will dictate how you market yourself. If your going to do commercial work that will dictate how you look for work. In any case non of it is easy but keep your eyes on your goal keep having fun, if I didn't enjoy it it would be stupid to keep pushing.


    Now I want you to know I enjoy the wet process. I have a darkroom. I also enjoy digital the control that I have for my work is wonderful. Digital is a wonderful tool remember that it's all just tools nothing more. You deciede what you will do. Now this is just my opinoin and everyone has one. Don't bother purchasing a darkroom, unless you intend to only do fine art work. Even then I'm not sure it's worth the money. At least not right away. You can have a lab do all your film work you need more costly I know. Here is the thing. You need to learn the digital process. Film is not going away for awhile. No matter what anyone says, but from a commercial point of veiw digital is where it's at. Photography is photography digital or traditional you decide what your work will be. The options for us are wonderfull getting the work is another story. Hope this helps.



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