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Image Comments posted by faisal_sayeed1



    Lovely portrait...good composition with subtle colors. Only critical distraction is 'bleeding' of the background on the right shoulder of your model...but I do like the choice of color....some how it blends well with her striking features.



    Good work. I like the polarized sky, granite and snow color contrast. Rest of your portfolio is a good slice of life in rural Pakistan.



  1. Alberta Oilsand mines are famous for their size and operation. This

    photographs was taken on a bright summer day depicting tiny humans

    who operate a giant of a machine called The Dragline. This mining

    machine is so large I could not fit the machine in frame with my

    28mm wide angle lens, instead I decided to include the operating

    crew on the roof top (middle right of frame) and barely managed to

    get part of the boom and hoist ropes in frame. Any comments are

    welcome and thanks for looking.



    Excellent capture, I like the highlights (S shape is very pleasing), the shadows makes the image so much more interesting and I think that works just fine, since normaly we are all drawn to the highlights for interpretations. Is the image of a Dhaow? Typical of Kuwait?


    Thanks for sharing.

    Kids At Play

    Whenever I see your postings.....I am instantly transported to my native home grwoing up in rural Pakistan. Congrats for an amazing shot and thanks for the 'Time Portal'.




    Wow....I see the difference. The eyes do make the photograph much more appealing (if I may call my own creation a photograph without coming across a bit arogant!). Thanks for the input.





    Thank you Paul and Certo for your comments. Paul: the curved line on her face is not string in fact its a strand of hair...I left it b/c I thought it would add to the image. Certo:Thanks for the encouraging words...I would like to see the sharpened image you attempted :-)




    Good capture, I like the pose...its very natural and poised. Just a little 'burn tool' mark near the hand holding the cup? causes a bit of distraction.


    This is a very interesting portrait. The edges are blurry or out of focus (DOF) but overall the eyes are in focus and thats what draws my attention. Good use of photo software.

    busy morning

    Nice warm tones, excellent mood with good composition. Since there is indication of haze behind the second cart, the third cart, clearly seen despite the haze, looks a little out of place. Other than that...excellent presentation.

    Big Blade

    other then the distortion at the tip of the blade, I like it. Try a little bit of burning (sky and clouds) and dodging (fuselage of the aircraft). Good work!

    Dummy ?

    Schooling in photography? Who the hell goes to school to learn photography? It's like going to Universtiy of Anatomy to learn how to breath! Bob your work is exceptional....keep it up. You are definately in my list of interesting PN photographers.
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