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Image Comments posted by marlon_peter


    There is more to the story in her eye. I lke it. The empty space in the center of the shot is quickly overcome by the rest of the simple detail present.



    Very Nice. How may leaps did it take?


    I like the color and tone. Very nice dancer/model


    One thing though. The background is a bit distracting. My eye wants to go more toward the "quadpod" and blackness in the left third of the frame.


    I would love to see her doing a Grand jeté with her moving away from you and her glancing back over her sholder at you.


    Show us more.

    Fence row

    I've tried taking pictures like this and sometimes have trouble figuring out what the focus should be on. Besides DOF practice trying to capture the point of the pictures seems hard. nice shot.



    I would like to thank you for the technical details. I think it helps us all be better artists. I should remember to do that too.


    About the picture. There is something about the face. I wish it was a bit more deliberate... something more this way or that.. if you know what I am trying to say.



    I was playing around with my lights when a friend stopped by the studio. The image

    was just cropped and converted to black and white.


    I would love to get your help and ideas about this shot. Thanks!

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