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Posts posted by allen_conrad4

  1. <p>For the sake of accuracy Helen it should be noted that I have not recieved ANY return labels and I have told you that. This is my last post on this matter. I feel like I'm being made the villian when all I was going by was what was posted at YOUR amazon store front as YOUR exchange/refund policy.</p>
  2. <p>Mary, I've never, ever had a problem with Amazon. Their customer service is second to none as far as I'm concerned. But when you purchase from a third party from Amazon, it's up to the third party to honor and resolve any problems. So no matter how great Amazon itself is there is no gaurantee you'll get the same service from a third party. Hope this helps.<br>

    When you're purchasing directly from Amazon, it will say "Sold by and ships from Amazon".</p>

  3. <p>Helen, I appreciate your quick response and helpful attitude. However, the main reason I ordered from Adorama is because of their stated exchange policy. If Adorama has a problem with Amazon then they need to work it out with Amazon, not me, the customer. There was a gift card involved in this purchase so getting a refund and reordering is more of a hassle than I want to get involved with. All I would like to know is will Adorama honor their customer sevice policy as stated and make an even exchange or not? I would never have made the purchase if I knew that policy would not be honored as claimed. I've been down this road one to many times with other companies.</p>
  4. <p>I just purchased a new Canon 40D from Adorama through their store front at Amazon. Camera arrived with a defective sensor, when I emailed Adorama to get an RMA for exchange, they refused, stating that's not their policy when purchased through Amazon. However if you read their customer service policy at Amazon it clearly stated otherwise. <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/returns.html?ie=UTF8&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&isCBA=&orderID=103-5301387-5302637&asin=&seller=A17MC6HOH9AVE6&isPopup">http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/returns.html?ie=UTF8&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&isCBA=&orderID=103-5301387-5302637&asin=&seller=A17MC6HOH9AVE6&isPopup</a> The customer service rep I talked to, Leah, said you can't go by that. That is just a cut and paste of the policy from our website. What the he---?. A lot of mistakes are forgivable and understandable, but this is too much. This is my last purchase from Adomama. You either honor your word or you don't.<br />I've emailed Helen Oster, hoping she can be of some help.</p>
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