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Image Comments posted by olivier_basirico

  1. Superb photo! Superbe Diopte! The contrasting images work well together the landscape seems to speek for the woman. We can feel her dispear, like if everything in her life was going wrong her equilibrium diagonal.


    Just Great a thruly communicative shot.


    Cette photo transpire la perte d'équilibre, crie au malaise de la demoiselle!



    Salut Bernard!


    Un petit coucou pour te saluer en direct de Rimouski Beach!

    Toute la famille Basirico-Gagn頶ont tr賠bien.


    Content de prendre connaissance de ton travail artistique





    P.S. Envoi moi ton nouveau num鲯 de tel:

    P.S.2 Je fais moi aussi partie de Photonet depuis 2004, si jamais cela t'int鲥sse...

  2. Good idea! I do however have a couple of comments to make. My first reaction to this shot was...there is something wrong? The lighting of your wife and child does not match the outdoor scene. Your image I think would have been stronger if you would have not put the main subject in the middle but rather off-center, because they are looking afar. Be a bit more subtile with your selection in photoshop and apply a slight feather before deleting background, this would help for the hair.


    Basically you have all the skill to make great shot like these and much more Keep up the good work!! Sorry if I am a bit harsh, But I was a graphic artist for 10 years and use to specialize in Fx photography.


    Last and not least: Answer for your question Nudes or portraits. In general you put in nudes when you see nudity (erotic body part ex: breasts, bottoms, etc..) and in this case I would have put this one in portraits.

  3. Sorry for the low rating, I feel this photo is a big ordinary because of the quality resolution (pixels) and the fact that it is out of focus, Lighting is so so. Your choice of subject is good! Hope you will take these remarks as constructive and not destructive.


    The photo is nice. I have however given you a low aesthetic mark because your image is a bit blurred and because of the white dots here and there on the photo
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