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Posts posted by photo86

  1. "Uh, that may be your problem. Every time you put the lens on or take it off, there's another opportunity for dust to get in. And if you leave the body in the camera bag -- or anywhere else short of a clean room -- without the cover for the lens mount, you're just asking for trouble -- regardless of the orientation of the body."


    How can that be a problem if both the camera body and the lens have the secure lens and body cap on while inside the bag. When I have more than one lense later on, the camera attached to the lens will not be able to fit into the back with all the other lens around it.

  2. I have bought a D70 and returned once already due to little artifacts

    appearing on the photo. Now this new D70 camera has the same problem.


    Check out the pic at:



    I called Nikon and asked them and they said it was probably a dirty

    ccd due to interchanging lens.


    I always take my (one) lens of the camera body and put it in a

    different spot in the camera bag. I do this carefully with the body

    upside down so not dust goes inside. They then told me it was a common

    problem with the D70.


    Can someone please explain how I can fix it instead of going all the

    way to Nikon to have it cleaned.


    Also some views and thoughts on what the problem might be because

    nikon has not seen the photos yet.

  3. I was wondering what that metal type spring noise is from when you

    take pictures in a quite invironment and when moving quickly side to

    side. I know this is not my camera because I have checked others. If

    you haven't heard it. Move your camera from side to side or shake it

    lightly and put your ear on the left side of the camera when the LCD

    is facing you. I'm just wondering what this noise is.

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