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Posts posted by amin_ostovari

  1. i agree with ryan to some points.. but the hing is al lmagazines and newspapers are not looking for that clean shot wich only pros can deliver.. today digital photo si in everyones reach and I belive there is a market..


    try www.mostphotos.com

  2. I am member in several stock photo sites.. istock, fotoolia, crestock and so on.


    a new site I tried is www.mostphotos.com


    Is it any idea to keep uploading on new sites, this site seems to be

    promising.. but after months of membership and 50 sold pictures on istock and

    no more than 25 dollars income from that I wonder if there is any idea..

  3. thank you for your answers.


    I do comment pictures all the time, mostly I try to comment pictures that ar not on top photos.


    And yes, this is the internet, so what can one expect?

    But I think its a pitty, for there are som exellent photographers here and I my self have learned very ver much.


    Prehaps if one could choose for the picture not to rated, only commented?


    That way you could filter out those whom just wan?t to rate low.


    The low ratings are not a problem for me, it?s just when I get a low rate I really wanne know whay, and how I can improve the picture, what I did wrong so I dont make the same misstake again, For me this is a way of improving.


    Regards Amin

  4. It?s reallr really disturbing when you get a low rate like 1/3 and no

    comment on why, if I was a really bad photographer I wouldn?t mind,

    but I know Im ok and I really really wanne know who yhe person is

    that gives me a low rate and no comment on why. Thats just stupid.


    As I recall, when I first became a member you could see those whom

    ratet you pics.


    I can?t demand that this problem should be delt with, but I damn sure

    can say THAT IT SUCKS.

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