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Image Comments posted by hideo_tsuneoka

    Trestles and Rock

    I don't like this picture very much. I like the concept, and I think it could have been good, but something about it doesn't sit right with me. It almost looks fake, because it took me so long to figure out what it really was. I had to read your description to find out. I find the rock looks like it's superimposed on the water, and the shadows/reflection bother my eyes for some reason. I think if you get a chance, you should try this again and try some different angles/time of day/available light, as it's very interesting. I don't think it's a terrible picture, it's very unique, and a lot of people seem to like it. My own personal taste, it doesn't fit, but I can admit it's something I've never seen before. I gave it a 4/6, I might change it to 4/7, but I'll have to think about it a little while overnight. If anything, this picture sure has given me a lot to think about! Nice job, regardless of any negative comments in here. Your skill is quite good, it's just hard for me to enjoy the actual photo. I imagine if I took this photo, I would be quite pleased, however. Such a complex image...

    Society of Birds


    Indoor society of flamingos at West Edmonton mall. Taken from behind

    some big fake plastic rocks, I wanted it to seem like I was sneaking

    about and spying on them, so I took it from behind the rocks and got

    parts of it in the frame. I think it worked, but only if you know

    what I was doing.



    Yes, I was about 4 feet from the glass. I have another photo taken right against it, both shots were with no flash. But the one right against the glass for some reason was very poor colours.



    You're right, there is reflection in the glass because I forgot to buy a lens hood that day. The photo looks a lot better on the actual print, but for some reason I couldn't get it to scan well. It looks very blurry and drab, but the print is very rich and sharp.


    I love this photo. I imagine it when it was active, the way a particular worker might have felt as he walked up this path. Or perhaps someone walking home from work after a long night, and the thoughts they may have had on this long stretch. Fear? Sadness? Your vision is shown beautifully in this photo, showing incredible depth, thought and beauty in what some might pass off quickly as a decaying industrial area, you manage to find beauty, even tranquility.
  1. I actually think the empty sky adds to the mood of this photo. It's a very depressing photo, and if it's a sanatarium, it was probably a very sad place, too. The empty sky just adds to the depth of the photo, in keeping with the context you were trying to achieve. But, it's all about personal taste of course, any opinion is as valid as another, so I'm not disputing Philippe's at all.


    This one is really incredible. I would get it enlarged and hang it in my house if it were possible. The reflections in the water are so perfect, they don't look like reflections at all, but like broken pieces of floor looking down into another room with windows. One of my favourite photos on photo.net


    I love this photo. Such variety in textures and colours. A lot of people try and set photos up to look like this, but never get it right, it always looks too "set up". This is perfect though.
  2. Taken of my friend, who was trying to grab a handful of these dried

    up leaves in a little pond. I probably like this photo so much

    because I was there, and it was a beautiful pond. The sun filtered

    through the trees perfectly, and you could see the bottom of pond,

    and all the details perfectly. The ripples disturbed a perfect

    reflection of the sky, and made the bottom even more prominent.

    Shoot !

    I really like this photo. A beautiful action shot captured forever. I always have trouble getting good action shots myself, so well done catching each one of this children in a candid moment. I always find when taking sports photos, the players notice me too much and have trouble getting into the game. Shuusaku!
  3. I like this picture a lot, reminds me of Disney's interpretations of Alice in Wonderland for some reason. Probably because the photo is so surreal. The shadows cast upon the stepping stones on the path give a nice texture at the start of the path, and the trees frame the path well. As well I get a real feeling that the path is incredibly long, though it might not be. Way to manipulate vision! Good work on this one.
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