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adrian b.

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Image Comments posted by adrian b.

    Peace of mind


    I know it's far from perfect (the bottle being blown off and all

    that) but in the frenzy of the moment I forgot to switch to RAW

    mode / or use spot metering. I also wish I had a zoom lens, It's

    funny getting real close for a shot like this on a busy street with

    people staring at you and your subject...


    Thank you for your comment on one of my pictures, but I think you forgot to give a rating! I like what you did here: any one of these frames would have been just another snapshot, but toghether thay gain a lot of originality.
  1. I wonder how this would have looked with a polarizer filter on the lens? You should have definitely waited for the sun to touch the contours of those mountains. Lake Garda at dusk is simply magnificent and I don't see that here, sorry for the low rating!
  2. I hesitated a lot before uploading this picture "almost uncut" from the camera. All I did was a Neat Image post-processing to remove the almost invisible noise caused by the iso 400 exposure. The Av was 8, maybe 5,6 would have blurred the backround more... Maybe I should have also increased the mid-tones levels by +5 but I feared that that would ruin it.
  3. I will try using a tripod and smaller aperture values to increase the sharpness of such pictures. After all the flower ain't flying anywhere! Mirror lock-up is not on the list of features for 300d, unless I used the Russian hacked firmware, but that is for later.... Is mirror lock-up really so important?
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