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Image Comments posted by juanibernardez



    I really like the contrast, the mood, the geometry, but most of all the "desition" (i dont know if it is intetional) to balance the weight of the photo to the right (the girl, the building) althougt the trhee pillows on the left make a balance.

    It is indid aweird composition , but some how it has it ow system, and i like it.







    I like this one too... Theres something wrong in the air, in the framing, too much grain, dirty, but it all improve the final mood of the escene. I like also the fact that the boy is still, while the truck is moved, like if it all stoped in that second, like when you see something on a video and you rewind it as you think "did i really see that?"

    Congratulation... Can i suggest a title ?(i hate when people do this, but i can help it)

    "Happy Meal"


    I really like your work!


  1. I dont know why.... I think is the fact that i cant recover the identity of the saint.. Wich is what usualy happends even if i can see their eyes. Somehow I can not get back to the root... i mean get to the idea that they were real people once (people that dream, laugh, etc), Its like the mith eating the life...

    I dont know if thats the meaning you wanned to show, But thats what i see... POWERFULL IMAGE.

  2. Marie-claud, now i see it, you r right but i dont know where to crop it, like... should i crop the flag? (its not a nationalism, but) i cant find the exact point to crop it, so if you have any suggestion they would be very welcome...

    about my equipement this foto is taken with a canon digital rebel, with an ef 18-55mm (28-90mm 35mm equivalent) 3.5 - 5.6 and no filters, then i add some grain in PS

    good luck



    Carlos; There r 2 photos in this one: the one in the left (the face that was the first that i took) and the other faded over the first was a simple smoke shot that i've rotate to look like it was comming from the mouse of the first one.... About the question on the process i was shotting in complete darkeness room so when i saw the first one, the idea pop up into my mind and took the second, then i faded both in PS and thats all the magic...



    The chain, the focus, the whatever.... photos shouldnt be perfect in all cases... mistakes sometimes help to improve the mood of the scene...

    making myself a little bit more clear... i love the way this woman looks at her one arm big, and arm small, chained, unfocused man like he was the only thing that she wants in life... maybe thats free interpretations... but thats what i think u said its all about... and more important , thats what i think. Congratulations. And please just dont be perfect.:)

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