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creative digital artist

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Posts posted by creative digital artist

  1. OK sam I got it ! Your critique was duly noted. I wasn't aware I needed to respond to your input. :(


    Thanks for the heads-up john peri about Deviant Art. Joined, posted 6 images there an hour ago, already got inputs, and someone even gave me a "Llama Badge", whatever that is ??? PS, ... it was free to join.

  2. I work with a "Twenty-something" and usually show him what I just posted each AM. I often tell him how PN has changed since I joined in '04. Yes I was active from '04-'~'07, then I lost my drive to continue with my photos, and got the video curse. My guy tells me that "Social Media" (something I disdain) has likely become more of what PN used to be as regarding to my quest for grading and critiquing. Back in the day, I could post an image, walk away for a cocktail or two, and have 6 critiques with grading in originality / aesthetics when I got back. Today, I'm lucky if someone even clicks on one of my images for a closer look. I do have a few members who seem to appreciate my style. I'll still keep dumping my images here as a form of keeping me busy. I have 1000s I've never looked at but once over the last 15+yrs.


    Thanks !

  3. I came into the computer age kicking and screaming against it. I don't have a Social Media presence. I finally got a Flip Phone 5 yrs ago, and am still using it. Call me a "Fossil", if you will. Today I use a computer daily, and am somewhat good at navigating, however, I don't attempt any downloading (except for PDF catalogs) or installing programs because I usually screw up and have to get outside help recovering the error.


    That being said, from my POV things do NOT get better with age, just more complicated IMHO. I'm more of a Videographer anymore, and am trying to exploit any value my vast collection of images might have as Stock Photos for book covers, album covers, posters, ... etc. I first came to Photo.net in 2004 when I was hanging pieces in local Alternative Galleries 5-6 times each year for 5 yrs. I came here for feedback from what was an eager audience back then. I know what I like in an image, but I felt that getting critiques from strangers on an International stage was gratifying.


    Back then I could do a shoot on a Fri/Sat evening, crop 'em and post 'em hot out of the camera, and get 6 (on the average) critiques in the next hour without asking for it. Photos were rated on a 1-5 scale (5 being excellent) for "Aesthetics" and "Originality". There was also a list for names of the Members that critiqued them (but NOT how they rated them), also an area for actual comments. The results were averaged and posted as well. Quite a useful tool to determine which pics had broader appeal. This site felt a 3/3 average was better than average photo.


    For myself, I consider this site difficult to navigate, and hard to understand. I post exclusively in the "Nude and Erotic" sub-forum so that I don't have Brain-Fade deciding which of my images may offend mainstream folks. I do that because I don't want to offend feelings. Why is it that when I search "N&E", 90% of the images are anything but ???


    I can see the need to have discussion Forums regarding ALL facets of Photography. I however, do not need that type of input at this point in my life. I DO miss the "OLD DAYS", and came back here thinking that there would be some semblance of it's old self.


    Thanks for what you do do ! ;)

  4. Another thing I would like to address is the concept of how to have a direct dialogue with fellow members. EVERY other Forum I belong to has a concept of PMs (Personal Messages). This allows members to have conversations on a more individual level. I have made several friends that I eventually met FTF as a result of this concept. Is there a feature here where I can contact other members to share insights and experiences ???
  5. Joined Photo.net back when it was just starting out. My partner and I took great pleasure in posting our work here. We would shoot some samples on a Fri or Sat eve, post them, and almost immediately get a lot of critiques. Haven't posted here in over 12+yrs. As I recall viewers could rate an image on a 5 point scale in 3 areas, plus a critique.


    I come here to have my work evaluated by my fellow artists. Am I missing something ??? Am I NOT posting my work in the appropriate venue ??? If there is no feedback loop here, my effort to post here is in vain.


    Does this site still have a decent amount of traffic ??? I don't see much variety (traffic) when it comes to "Photo of the Day", or any other such sub-venues. I'm just trying to use ALL the available features of this site.


    Please offer any insight into my questions.


    Thanks !



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