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Posts posted by cristaldi

  1. Hi,


    I use the Pixelgenius Photokit sharpening tools. I need to prepare a set of

    photos for printing on an HP INDIGO machine, on a service hosted by Myphotobook.

    Do you know which kind of output sharpening would be the best? I think it should

    be an Halftone printer... Any ideas on the resolution?



    <a href="http://portfolio.massimocristaldi.com">www.massimocristaldi.com</a>

  2. Hi,


    I get excellent results out of my Epson 3800 with the Hahnemuele Photorag 308

    paper. You can see my workflow here:




    <a href="http://www.massimocristaldi.com/wordpress/?p=75





    Recently I moved, for a different project, to the new Fine Art Pearl paper

    (285gr). I tried to use the Hahnemuele profiles and the Booksmartstudio ones.

    Results are NOT good in the dark zones. To be clear: there is no difference in

    the printout btw an RGB black 0,0,0 and a RGB 15,15,15. These differences are

    clearly displayed on my monitor... I tried also to print using Colorbyte

    Imageprint RIP (demo version) without any significative differences. Only way to

    obtain some variation btw the blaks on the print is to adjust the Color Density

    around -25% / -30%. Is this behavior normal on the Hahnemule Fine Art Pearl? Any

    experiences as this one?




    <a href="http://www.massimocristaldi.com">Massimo Cristaldi</a>



  3. In case you're travelling to italy till the end of May you can give a look to

    this Photo exhibition.

    The "virtual" counterpart of the exhibtion is visilbe here:


    <a href="http://www.esplorazioni.name/explorations.html">www.esplorazioni.name</a>



    <strong>This is an abstract of the Exibition:</strong></p>


    This exhibition could also be titled ?Esplor/azioni? as the pause interposed

    between the two parts of the word shows the will to distance oneself from the

    tourist-exotic illustrations which are commonly referred to as ?photographs?

    but, most of all, the pause is meant to underline the active value of the

    photographic image. The works by Claudio Allia and Massimo Cristaldi shown here

    give evidence of a study they are making on simple and humble sicilian subjects:

    exteriors of uncultivated lands, interiors of tumbledown uninhabited country

    houses, skeletons of abandoned old factories; subjects which often pass

    unnoticed or are neglected in our daily life because they don?t have the charm

    of beautiful views.

    Pushed by common artistic sensibility and spirit of research, our authors set

    off in search of this reality too often considered plain and then neglected,

    looking for unusual and precious images able to catch their curiosity and

    provoke strong emotions. Only these images do they consider worth being

    photographed, never yielding to the easy charm of ?beautiful images? or

    ?conventional landscapes?.

    During the development and printing phases, the original emotion goes on acting

    inside the authors? souls looking for a definition which eventually becomes a

    photograph. The images of our authors seem to talk in a sort of visual

    counterpoint, characterized by the same passion for discovery which highlights

    their common will to explore reality but also their different approach.

    Claudio Allia prefers the interiors of abandoned old isolated small houses in

    the country where the action of the passing of time and of nature?s changing

    course is added to man?s negligence creating a magic atmosphere which offers

    ideas for a non-representational rendering of reality with strong chromatic

    effects. He often puts in the foreground objects abandoned by men, recovering

    them as protagonists of a surreal scene characterized by strong light and shade

    effects which contrast with the surrounding space and with nature, which remains

    a grey and silent witness.

    In Massimo Cristaldi?s photoghraphs, the architectures are clear protagonists of

    space. They play a meaningful chromatic and volumetric contrast with the

    surrounding landscape. These architectures, saved and put into evidence by the

    framings, become witnesses of an ephemeral greatness betrayed by the presence of

    ironic details, clearly revealed by the titles, details through which nature

    seems to mock man.

    A short conclusion which applies to both the authors? works: beauty lies in the

    viewer?s eye and when photography ?builds? images and is not limited to capture

    them as they are, then it detaches itself from ?reportage? and becomes Art.




    Massimo Cristaldi


  4. Thank you for the kind replies. I tried to follow the Printing workflow 2 and 3 reported in computer-darkroom.com. The prints came out too dark compared to my current monitor setting (5.500, gamma 1.8, brightness 90. I still get better results printing setting Epson color setting, gamma 1.8. I plan to get back to monitor setted to gamma 2.2 (so slightly darker then gamma 1.8) and give workflow 2 & 3 another try.
  5. Michele, thank you for your reply. I know monitor calibration has no influence on printing process, but it is important to have a correct view of the image. This said, I found on the NET a lot of photographers claiming to get better monitor-to-printer matches using monitors calibrated @ 5500 k, gamma 1.8. Do you believe this is the best setup for printing purposes? I haven't tried, yet, to print with "No color management". Are you getting good result out of it? Are you using the Epson 3800?
  6. Hi All,


    I finally got my Epson 3800.

    Before getting the printer I had my monitor calibrated with Eye One Display 2

    targetting 6500K, Gamma 2.2 and brightness 90. I set up the printer driver to

    "Epson Calibration", mode "Adobe RGB", Gamma 2.2. Color were OK but prints were

    let's day 2/3 stop underexposed (a bit dark).

    So, following some hints I got here and there on the NET, I recalibrated my

    display to target 5.500K, Gamma 1.8, same brightness. Printing with "Epson

    Calibration", Gamma 1.8 I get what I see on the monitor (more or less). I'm

    using Epson Premium Glossy paper.

    How do you find these parameters? Which is the best setting you've experienced

    in your setup?

    Most of the people use now gamma 2.2 as a standard, especially when browsing the

    Internet. Do I need different profiles for images targeted to my website and for

    images I intend to Print? Any hint and suggestion is highly appreciated.




  7. I'm in the process of buying a new printer. The main use will be fine art prints

    and preparing photographs for my exhibitions. I'm not sure, between the two

    above, of which could be the best choice. HP is a bit more costly at the

    beginning but I know that cost per copy should be fairly lower (even if I didn't

    found any sound figure). Can you give me some advise? Is there any comparison on

    the net of thes two priters? Any help is much appreciated,

    [mod: no sigs, thanks]

  8. Hi, I recently bought a Sigma 15-30. I would like to use it on my Canon 5D with

    a set of GND. I know I should buy the Z-pro holder for avoiding vignetting when

    shooting @ 15mm. What I'm wondering is that I haven't seen any "universal"

    adaptor for the Z-pro (the lens does not have the possibility to mount filters

    and the cap holder -82mm- you can use starts vignetting on my 5D @ 24 mm). Any

    tips? How to mount the Z-Pro holder on this lens? (info on Z-pro can be found

    here: http://www.cokin-pro-video.com/ico15/ico15-haut.html?=#z)

  9. Hi,


    I'm going to spend a couple of week in August between Normandie and Britanny.

    Just bought a good guide but I'd like to know if you can suggest some great

    location that is not between the VERY famous....


    Let me know,





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