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Posts posted by doug_stanley

  1. From what I can tell the Canon 1Ds2 seems a lot like many computers

    today, it is so good that only the desire for the latest gadget or a

    very specialized need will truly require a better camera for a very

    long time. My question is related to the relative quality of the

    original 1Ds to the 1Ds2. There are near-mint condition 1Ds bodies

    available from reputable vendors for $3,000 less than a new 1Ds2. Is

    the difference really good enough to save for a while longer and get

    the 1Ds2 or is the 1Ds close enough. Digital cameras are turning

    into the latest audio equipment. There is always something better

    but as your hearing (and eyesight) starts to slip the difference per

    extra dollar approaches zero per extra dollar spent. Any real


  2. Some of the most useful comments I have received have been accompanied by a tweaked version of my submittal. Often a picture really is worth a thousand words. My only complaint is that so few raters take the time to leave comments. I do not mind low ratings. I just want to understand why someone thinks my photos deserve such a rating. Sometimes they are right.
  3. Actually, the MT-24 puts out quite a lot of light. However, sometimes a macro shot would benefit from the lights being a little further from the lens axis. Also, some critters just get a little too spooked when they see all that gear getting closer. I am interested in trying a 200mm with a 25mm extension tube and would like to use the lights with that combination.


    Mark, I had seen the mention on Digital Outback but did not find the link to the right page at PhotoMed. Thanks for providing it. Do you know how far the flash heads can be adjusted. Also, their device does not appear to allow position adjustment above or below the horizontal. Has anyone out there had experience with the Novoflex units. I don?t remember what they are called, but on has flexible arms and the others has jointed arms.

  4. Has anyone had any experience using a body-mounted flash bracket with

    the MT-24EX twin macro flash? I would like to be able to use the MT-

    24EX with a lens that has a larger filter size than the 100mm macro.

    I am also seeking to get the flash heads further away from the body

    than the filter ring mount allows. Thanks in advance for your input.

  5. I joined Photo.net and started posting some of my own images with the hope that I would be able to receive (and give) honest criticism. I must say that I have received valid, honest, well-meaning, and constructive criticism. Don has been an especially helpful reviewer of my work. But I have also learned that most people rate a photo and move on without providing any other input. I really want to know why someone rates one of my photos a 2 or 3. I also really want to know why someone thinks a photo deserves a 6 or 7. I have quickly come to the conclusion that a rating without comment is of no use to me. So, I have started only giving ratings when I have a comment to offer. The only purpose I can see to the ratings is that a high rating gets a photo a lot of visibility through the Top-rated photos pages. With the huge number of people participating in Photo.net those that abuse the system will always be able to stay ahead of the rules. If the rules to Calvinball are ever stated, even if they are only valid for a short time, the abusers will just find even better ways around the system. I am glad someone is trying to keep Photo.net a good place to exchange images and thoughts. However they fell it needs to be done is fine with me. I just want to learn and get better.
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