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Posts posted by igor_burshteyn

  1. <p>adapter is chipped for 300mm focal length so I believe HSS just works as advertised. I am yet to test whether adapters allow focusing to the infinity.<br>

    Tamron 300mm is as good as one's ability to focus it, and it's really challenge with DSLR viewfinder. I used it mostly on Olympus OM1 brfore - and must say I am spoiled and can't get current DSLR viewfinder thing. Out of a few dozen test images I got just one or in focus. I might need split image screen for A100.</p>

  2. <p>thanks anybody, basically I have 2 options for adopting Tamron 300mm:<br>

    - adaptall M42 + M42-to-Sony<br>

    - adaptall-to-Sony<br>

    I' prefer single adapter ie adaptall-to-Sony - so far I've seen chipped adapters pre-programmed for 50mm, not good for anti-shake with 300mm lens. Any idea who can supply adaptall-to-Sony adapter, chipped and preprogrammed for 300mm f2.8?</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hello everybody<br>

    I would like to use my good ol' tamron adaptall 300mm f2.8 lens on Sony A100. Yeah I know they are both old, but still quite usable.<br>

    I am looking for the best way to pair A100 body with adaptall lens, preferably preserving focus confirmation AND antishake features.<br>

    Since I have quite a few Olympus OM lenses, same question is about alpha body and OM mount lens.<br>

    Thanks in advance!</p>

  4. <p>I am looking for a ball head to be used with velbon el carmagne 530A legs. I want all my camera support to share manfrotto rc2 quick release. Combo needs to support lightweight 35mm/medium format camera and occasionally 35mm camera with 300mm f2.8 lens (up to 3kg of load, I know it's kind of pushing it with regard to legs spec). I short listed following ball heads, all in the same price range<br>

    Manfrotto 494rc2, Manfrotto 496rc2,<br>

    Triopo kk-100s, Triopo kk-200s ( see http://www.triopo.cn/images/products/head/KKS/KK-200S_0.jpg for how it looks like)<br>

    I never used Triopo brand (I believe it's Chinese OEM, producers of Adorama Flashpoint brand) - anybody can comment if it's any good? Ball heads in particular? Another question, for a tripod of 1.3Kg in weight, what ball head would be more suitable - 33mm ball/450gr or 28mm ball/300gr?<br>

    Thanks in advance!</p>


  5. <p>Mine is smooth in and out. Didn't use it for quite a long time - switched to manual focus OM gear for film. But when I look on old pictures - it's impressive optics, quite on par with 80-200 f2.8. It was my first lens in slr-life, and later on I was really surprised that with some other lenses you have to close down in order to get best image quality ;)</p>
  6. <p>I use exactly same combination (680B monopod+234rc head), and it's awesome. Your Contax G1 has 1/4" tripod socket, and you need to make sure you get 234rc with 200PL-14 quick release plate (1/4" male attachment). This combination easily supports medium format camera or 300mm f2.8 lens on 35mm, so Contax G1 will be safe there. After years of service the only maintenance it required is just to tighten locks, once.</p>
  7. <p>Jeff -<br>

    Interesting development, keep us updated! Jon will produce Bronica E light seals kit as soon as he finds ETR back(s) for reference - that what he replied me to my inquiry. If SQ-A kit fits (maybe with minor modifications) to ETR backs, I'll go for it.</p>


  8. <p>Jeff,<br>

    Thank you very much, very helpful!<br>

    Back in question is the latest double latch (locking dark slide) Ei back.<br>

    Seals 1 through 7 are intact. But back completely lacks 8-11 seal assembly. Jeff, if it's not too much effort - could you please picture "back opening light seals" assembly (numbered 8-11 by Dave Thomas)? Even cell phone pic would be fine here :)</p>


  9. <p>Dave - Jon doesn't have pre-cut seals for ETRSI right now on the big auction site, I sent him mail with inquiry. Your page might be exactly what I am looking for - if SQ and ETRSI film backs similar with regard to light seals.</p>


  10. <p>Q.G., thanks, I already downloaded this one from butkus, as you said no film back repair instructions there.<br>

    >Nice photos!<br>

    Thanks again :) second one was kind of hit or miss - 1/8sec on monopod is pushing it for medium format, even for wide angle lens.</p>

  11. <p>Well, the standard story - just bought Bronica ETRSI 120 back from the big auction site, mint-. Indeed looks and functions as new, but 2 frames on the first roll exhibit what I would call light leak, what is your opinion? One shot is with 75mm PE lens has it all over the frame, other shot with 40mm PE lens has very small leak in the upper left corner. Both lens had cheap UV filter fitted - the only other reason for flare I would think of.<br /> Does anybody here have instructions on how to replace ETRSI 120 back light seals? <br /> <br /> Thanks in advance,<br /> Igor</p><div>00UmgC-181571684.jpg.01e22c2ec01748be5837182ee0f7d2a1.jpg</div>
  12. <p>What David Henderson said. I've had similar problem (same symptoms) on ETRSI when used with erratic 135W back, Back and body didn't interface too well, as result mirror didn't raise up (though camera sounded firing ok). One small correction - for diagnostics back should be on camera but open so you can inspect mirror/shutter working when back engages back-to-body coupling.</p>
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