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Image Comments posted by jenpedler

  1. Hi Lynne, Lovely soft focus effect. Thanks for sharing how you achieved it. I like the way the foliage frames the reflection. It's almost as if you're looking through the bauble, or seeing a world inside it. Great, fun, seasonal pic.

    Happy holidays, cheers, Jen

  2. Saad, The textures and patterns on the flaking door would be pleasing on their own but the writing and your moving commentary combine to make this a really powerful, and topical, image. Thank-you for sharing this. I am really pleased to have discovered your portfolio.

    Best wishes,


    The Lamp Post.


    I love the vibrancy of the colours in this one and the sharpness of the reflection. It's very similar to my London city reflection that you commented on recently but much more colourful. Perhaps that says something about the contrast between the two cities!

    City reflection


    Thanks, Saad. Perhaps it is better to 'flatten' the image by cropping off the protruding parts of the building but leaving them in adds depth. I did try a similar crop and I still can't decide.




    Love it. His delight is clearly evident and I like the way the reflection of his finger points back at the viewer. I didn't find the lights distracting until you mentioned them! Yes, more planning and posing might have improved it technically but then you'd have lost the spontaneity which is what makes this. Wishing you and Adam a great Christmas.


    City reflection


    Couldn't decide whether to categorise this as abstract or

    architecture. In the end settled on the former. I can never resist a

    city reflection. I like the distortion of the buildings in this one -

    it seems to give them a sort of fairy tale quality.

    Your comments appreciated. Thanks for your time.

    Yellow Triangle


    Thanks for your appreciation, Michael. It's always difficult to decide whether a pic is better cropped in some way. I usually experiment a bit if I sense it would make an improvement. I see what you mean by cropping the top (and might try it out if I find the time) but I wanted to keep the feeling of it being under the bridge.


  3. I like everything about this; the composition, the colours, the lighting, the sense of a storm gathering although the picture itself gives a sense of tranquility. I have found myself looking at it for a long time. Beautiful.

  4. I agree with all the previous comments. Beautiful symmetry, the softness from the mist, the stillness of the water all help to make this a remarkable image. It's almost like a picture within a picture with the river view framed by the circle of the bridge and the reflection. I prefer this to the black and white version. It would be interesting to see it at other times of the year but I think the bare trees help to make this.

    London Radio


    A very evocative image. It's as if the old man is trying to tune in to the past. The lighting, texture, silver hair, wrinkled hand, glow of the radio are just right. Top marks from me.

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