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gary m

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Image Comments posted by gary m


    Thanks Jason - The lighting is what caught my eye as well. It was about 0 degrees F outside, so I was just going to have a quick look around. When I saw the lighting, I snapped a few with my digital. I went back to my truck to get my MF, but by then the lighting was gone.

    Nikki Happy

    Paul - The two main factors that hold this photo back are the lighting and the background. The flash you used left a strong shodow that screams 'I used a flash'. One technique (if you have the appropriate type of flash) is to bounce the light off of the ceiling so that it doesn't create such a harsh shadow.

    Jenny Lake

    I like the leading line formed by the rocks on the shoreline. But some of the dark blues on the left and top are a bit overpowering to me - maybe the result of using a polorizer (?). Nice shot though...

    Crystal Mill

    Thanks for the link Wilson. I bet a print made from that 4x5 would be spectacular. If I ever get up enough guts to drive out there again...which is questionable ;-), I hope I get some good weather!

    Crystal Mill

    Thanks All. George - I have a Mamiya 110 mm lens. I didn't record the shutter speed, but I was using slow film (Velvia 50) and it was a cloudy day, so the shutter speed was relatively slow. And I should admit that I did play around in photoshop on this one. It was early fall and the trees were just starting to change. The trees were a lot more green then yellow. I changed the hue in photoshop to make the yellow jump out a bit more. I usually don't like to alter an image very much in PS, but I was having fun!

    Glacier NP

    Thanks - I just rescanned the image and applied a little sharpening. (The new version is uploaded. Note that you may have to refresh your screen if you viewed this image before). I'm still not happy with the jpg results, but I think its better than my previous upload. I seem to lose a lot trying to keep the size to about 100k. I see other photos on PN that look great, so I know it can be done. I'll have to keep working on it. Thanks for the comments!

    Glacier NP

    Thanks S Spencer - I agree with your comments. I'm able to get the sharpness in Photoshop and my prints, but I seem to be in too much of a hurry when I do the 'Save for web' in PS. That step also seems to throw off my color a little. I'll have to work on that portion :-)

    Canon Beach

    I have to agree with Brett about the shadow/reflection - it looks natural to me. It looks like the sky has a gaussian blur applied, but it looks great!
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