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tim walker

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Image Comments posted by tim walker


    This is a really compelling image. It's an unusual but really appealing composition and your choice to shoot this from behind the man adds to its mystery. I always judge street photography by whether an image makes me want to know the story behind it, and this one really does.


    This is an amazing find, first of all. Next, it's brilliantly executed. There are so many ideas behind this amazing image I don't know where to start... Very nicely done.
  1. There's so much to like about this image. Firstly, it's set apart in style and composition from the typical nude image. The blue cast is interesting and emotionally charged. The fact that the model's face is not revealed adds interest. Her pose and posture implies thoughtfulness, as if this could be a real life moment rather than a posed shot. I like it very much.

    Celestial Help

    Exquisite. Personal, candid, quiet and still. The slight swing of the small cross is the only thing that implies motion, drawing attention like a small jewel and contrasting the larger cross. The larger cross connects the two figures and symbolizes their union in prayer. This is an amazing street shot.

    The Door

    This is a very satisfying image to look at. The aged texture of the doorway is so painterly in appearance, with the figure in motion contrasting by a different sort of texture. The color is rich, warm, and inviting. The image is so nicely done, and I feel I do not have the expertise to offer any critique, but I might humbly offer the question of whether this image might have been still more interesting if the figure were off center, perhaps almost leaving the frame, adding a sense of the present quickly going by the past.


    Ernst -- I've thoroughly enjoyed looking through your portfolio. You really find the beauty in all aspects of an image and not subject matter alone. This image, for instance, is powerful in terms of the design in naturally presents, the grid pattern of the windows, the amazing primary colors, and the texture of the glass. The numbers on the glass add still more interest. I always appreciate someone who shoots 'found art', seemingly thinking much like a painter does. Very nice work.
  2. This image is really beautiful, and in an approachable way. The pose, the expression, the lighting, all work together to create a genuine beauty. I say genuine because this looks like a real, not manufactured, woman. Like it could be my own wife, or someone I know.
  3. I very much like both the composition of this image and the energy of it. The blurred train racing by is a nice addition to the story -- holiday rush and motion. The lines of the trolley wires overhead and the rails below frame this out in an interesting way. Nicely done.


    I really like this image and was surprised to see there were no other critiques on it yet. Your sensitivity to spotting (what we called in art school) 'found art' is evident in this piece. The composition is very nicely balanced but asymmetrical. The use of the brick pattern, the subtle differences in the rich colors of the individual bricks, the way the small illustration is framed -- all contributing to a really interesting image. Nicely done.
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