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Image Comments posted by madwand

    Old Trick


    I like images of this sort -- they make you wonder -- now, what might that mean, what did the artist intend, what might it mean to me? And then, with the right image and concept, there's a reward -- of the beauty of the elements & the image, and the concept that it represents. Though of course it's easy to juxtapose arbitrary visually complementary or uncomplementary objects and proportions and to associate opaque ides with them, only images that have some worthwhile conceptual content work for me.


    I can inject some meaning into this image. Steve's title and commentary on his web site provide some propellant. The rest will have to be from the viewers' minds, and if the ideas are shared by the artist, then it's pleasant communication.


    I can't quite figure out the point of the painted hands though. What's not good enough about unpainted hands? The "lily" concept I suppose, but the price for that stronger association, I think, was too high in what it cost in distance from humanity. Not to mention the 50 bucks..


    Maxim, I do find the top left picture and the attendant spacing on the left to be detracting. Unlike many cases, we have an opportunity to ask you what you intended / thought about it. Care to enlighten us?

    'Lake Reflection 1'

    I think that Dominique failed to appreciate the quiet peace shown in this picture. I'm not sure about what was actually there, but it reminds me of my own rare experiences in areas where there is little or no human activity and a lot of natural beauty and peace. So although this image does not grab you with a hook, I think that it does convey a sense of peace and quite. I enjoy it.
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