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Image Comments posted by ming_chiu

  1. This is a great shot. The man was actually talking through his eyes. A seaman, i supposed. He looked and stared at his subject which happened to be the photographer and was telling you that this got to better be a nitch shot. Well done.
  2. I walked pass this door a peep through inside of it shows the

    wording in Chinese which says "God Loves Human". I paused and

    thought of an idea of taking this shot and call it the entrance to

    God's Love.I hope yoou like it.

  3. The stall has a sign put up by the trader, presumably a seller of old

    books/ comics. The sign board in this picture states " we buy old

    books". This picture poses a question as whether the gentlemen is a

    seller or a buyer to the owner of this stall ? any one...?

    This is the gist of my capture. A picture that poses a question for your

    interpretation. Thank you.

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