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patrick flood

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Image Comments posted by patrick flood


    7/6. Thanks for rating my photo a while back, just came to see yours and I love the worn feel, or is it a distressed type of noise youve added. I like it alot and would like to know how you did it, (if you have the time.)thanks for the idea.

    Turkey Dinner?

    great grab. Ive had to do the same shot with chickens. The hardest part being getting detail in the heads without blowing out the highlights of the feathers. The focus seems a bit far, getting heads in the foreground might have helped the impact of the multitudes of birds.


    excellent. If your into photoshop you could put the sky back in for a dream feeling. good as a straight print, but sky aside you could add some contrast to the lower levels of the photo to make it pop out more.

    Barn Alarm!


    This is one hell of a situation to come across, the cock and the weather vane, the roof covered in moss, it's fantastic. If you punched the colors a bit more((in PS)) (not to the point of overdone) it would jump even more. I love it. well done.

    patrick flood.



    This is a straight shot. A car had just drivin through the puddle behind the newspaper where I work. I adjusted for tone, saturated the colors a bit, sharpened and added a border and put it up for critique. I got a political feeling out of it but I wont say what one, im curious as to what others will see first.

    thanks.Patrick Flood.


    the small to large scale in the kids makes it seem contrived, but also makes me look at the shot even longer. It would look even better if they werent looking at the camera.
  1. Nice, but it needs more punch to make the trunks of the trees the main focus.Increase the contrast a bit to make it pop, burn the edges to bring the focus onto the trunks.
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