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william buford

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Posts posted by william buford

  1. Consider the Pentax 50mm SMC f1.7 with the A. As mentioned, it can be had for quite a few bucks less than the 1.4. There must be millions of these sold with Pentax kits of the mid ム80メs. Great lens. Itメs my favorite lens with my old A3000, Ricoh XR7, and the newer ZX-M. Hadnメt tried it on a digital body yet. I went with a Digital Rebel a few years ago, and now I need to part with that stuff before coming on board with Pentax digital.


    Iメve got some examples with the 50mm here at the thread's start on these links. http://www.photo.net/bboard/nw-fetch-msg?msg_id=008TTX & http://www.photo.net/bboard/nw-fetch-msg?msg_id=008NYI. They were with the ZX-M, the first in highspeed B/W Agfa, the later in Sensia.

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