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Posts posted by petergustafson

  1. i have the 18-70mm and today very randomly it started getting stuck up when

    zooming, as if there some piece broken inside, the stickup point changes and i

    can sometimes make it pass the point but it still stick at the other points.

    im travelling at the moment so considering taking it apart...is this safe?

    Thanks for and ideas!

  2. hm, the bessa R looks quite interesting! does anyone have any experience with this one, and the ULTRON 35/1.7 LENS? ive also been looking at rollei 35s...


    i know i need a good 35ml camera. i have a D70, (tired of digital) and couple old soviet cameras which just dont cut it for modern quality.


    for those of you who have used SLR and rangefinders extensively....what do you find to be the main difference (pro/cons)? besides being able to see through the shot as is.

  3. hey thanks for all the fast answers!


    i guess that yes, one problem is i dont know weather to go rangefinder after SLR...some tell me that the focusing is to hard/inacurate and only good for landscapes. i held an M7 tonight, quite heavy...is the m4 lighter?


    i dont know exactly how to restrict what type of photography i do...here is my website, maby someone thats bored/extreamly helpfull can comment. http://petergustafson.net/photography/gallery/main.php


    ive only got about a week to get something and i want a one for all camera, with one lens. (i also dont have any nice nikon equipment so thats a moot point)


    so would i be right in assuming i dont need to pay the extra for the leica 'blig' and get just as much for quality out of a nikon ...say fm2?

  4. I have been trying to study the leicas in hopes of buying one and though never

    using one its seems the m4 or the SL2 might suit me best...i want something

    mechanical as possible but still a light meter would be nice, and i do mostly

    street photography.

    what is the difference in using them?? and more importantly, is there any

    quality difference?


    Im taking a trip to asia soon so i want something to tote along with me besides

    the big nikon d70, also i feel the return to film a good thing. would i be going

    to far putting so much money into a leica, or would it be just as good going for

    a good canon or nikon? i plans to try and make exhibits and im am very picky

    about print quality.


    any words of advise would be appreciated! also, does anyone have bad experience

    with buy these old cameras online?

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