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Image Comments posted by david_jao

  1. Thank you both for your time. Yes, Jim, you are right. A 3-stop hard graduated ND filter was used at the horizon. What I like about this scene is also the color (the original slide is much better. Just got the Coolscan 5000, still struggling to get the perfect scan). However, I feel the composition is not simple enough; too many things were in the picture. It is a big gap between what I saw and what the camera recorded. Foreseeing what the cameras ?see? should be one of the keys to have a successful photograph.

    Jordan Pond

    Thank you, Jim. The blue cast surprised me when I got the slides back. The only filter I used was a 3-stop hard graduated ND filter in this scene (Vignetting would be a problem if I had added more filters since the lens was set close to the 17 mm end). The time was about 1.5 hours after sunrise. So could this be due to the higher level of UV light at this time? I found that the blue cast is more prominent with Velvia 50 than with Provia 100F. Probably a warming filter (e.g. 81A) will help a bit? Indeed, I have LOTS of room to improve. Comments like the one you gave is really helpful.
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